Search Results for behavioral-therapy

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مغص الرضع
...Immature digestive system * Food sensitivities or allergies *‍ Gas⁤ retention and abdominal discomfort * Temperament and behavioral factors **Diagnosis and Treatment of Infantile Colic:** Diagnosing infantile colic is often...

4 Month Well-Baby Checkup

ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...checkup?** **Answer:** Some common concerns parents may raise include: * Sleeping patterns * Feeding habits (breastfeeding⁣ or formula) * Teething * Infant gas and colic *⁤ Motor development * Behavioral...

ما هو الاجهاض؟

الإجهاض ، Fausse-couche ، الاجهاض
**What is Miscarriage?** **Question: What is miscarriage?** **Answer:** A miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, is the premature loss ‍of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. It ​is a...