Search Results for stages-of-cancer

ما هو تليف الكبد؟

تليف الكبد ، الكبد ، لا cirrhose دو فطائر
...(e.g., autoimmune hepatitis) * Genetic diseases (e.g., hemochromatosis) **Symptoms‍ of Liver Cirrhosis** Early stages of cirrhosis often show no symptoms. Advanced cirrhosis may cause: * Jaundice​ (yellowing of skin and...

ما هو طبيب الكلى؟

أخصائي أمراض الكلى have any symptoms of kidney disease, it is ⁢important to see a​ nephrologist for evaluation and⁢ treatment. ‌By ​understanding the role of a nephrologist and the importance of early...