Search Results for breast-pain

ما هو سرطان المرارة؟

سرطان المرارة cancer development. **Symptoms:** Gallbladder cancer often presents ⁢with non-specific symptoms that can be​ mistaken for other⁢ conditions: * **Right ‍upper quadrant abdominal⁢ pain:** Persistent​ and worsening⁢ pain in ⁤the...

ما هو مرض لايم؟

مرض لايم
...after ​initial infection * ‌Multiple bull’s eye rashes ⁤ ⁤ * Neurological symptoms (facial palsy, numbness, tingling) ‌⁢ *​ Joint pain and swelling * **Stage 3 (Late-Stage ⁢Disseminated):** ‍ *⁢...