Search Results for liver-diseases

ما هو مرض الزهايمر؟

مرض الزهايمر
**What is Alzheimer’s Disease?** **Definition:** Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive⁤ neurological disorder that primarily affects memory, cognitive ⁤function, and behavior. It ⁢is ‌the most common form of dementia, accounting...

ما هو فقر الدم؟

فقر الدم ، الأنيميا ، فقر الدم
...heavy ⁤menstrual bleeding) * Inadequate dietary intake of iron, B12, or folate * Chronic diseases ​(e.g., ​cancer, kidney disease) * Certain medications * Genetic conditions (e.g., sickle⁤ cell ⁣anemia) **Symptoms...

What is Asthma?

## What is Asthma? **What ‍is asthma?** Asthma is a common chronic disease of the airways. It causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, ​which can lead to wheezing, coughing,...