Search Results for type-2-diabetes/understanding-cv-disease-diabetes

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...* High blood pressure * داء السكري * Lupus *⁤ Polycystic kidney disease *⁣ Glomerulonephritis **Question: What are the symptoms of kidney ⁤disease?** **Answer:** The symptoms of kidney disease can vary...

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صداع الراس
...the front, back, or sides. Headaches can occur episodically or chronically, and their type and frequency vary widely. **Types of Headaches** There are several different types of ⁤headaches, including: *...

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فقر الدم ، الأنيميا ، فقر الدم
...body tissues and organs, resulting ⁢in a‍ range of symptoms. **Types⁢ of​ Anemia** There‌ are various types of anemia,‌ including: * **Iron‌ deficiency anemia:** The most common type, caused⁣ by​...