Search Results for type-2-diabetes/kidney-disease

إدارة حمل صحي

تحكم في حمل صحي ، Gérer une graces en santé ، إدارة حمل صحي
**Comprehensive Guide‌ to Managing a ‍Healthy Pregnancy** **Q: What is prenatal care and why is ⁢it important?** **A:** Prenatal care is a​ series of appointments⁣ and tests designed to monitor...

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**What Are Hemorrhoids?** **Q: What are⁣ hemorrhoids?** **A:** Hemorrhoids, also⁣ known ‌as piles,⁢ are swollen veins in ​the anus and lower rectum. They can be internal,⁣ occurring within⁤ the rectum,...