Search Results for unstable-angina

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السن يأس
**What is Menopause? A Comprehensive Guide** **Question: What is Menopause?** **Answer:** Menopause is⁢ the natural cessation of⁤ menstruation in women, typically occurring between ​the ages of ⁢45 and 55. It...

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ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...has⁤ become​ unstable due⁣ to injury or disease * ‍To⁤ correct ⁤joint deformities * To⁤ stimulate bone​ growth in cases ‌of non-union fractures * To treat spinal conditions, such as‍...

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تسمم الحمل
**What is Preeclampsia?** **Question:** What‌ is preeclampsia? **Answer:** Preeclampsia is a ⁢serious pregnancy complication characterized ⁤by high blood pressure ⁤and protein​ in the urine (proteinuria) that develops after 20 weeks...