Search Results for unexplained-weight-loss

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عدوى الزُّهري
**What is Syphilis Infection?** **Q: What‍ is⁤ syphilis?** **A:** ⁣Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI)‌ caused by the bacterium⁢ **Treponema pallidum**. It can affect both men and women and...

ما هو غثيان الصباح؟

غثيان صباحي
**Question: What is Morning Sickness?** **Answer:** Morning‍ sickness is a common pregnancy symptom that typically develops during the first trimester. ‍It⁣ is characterized by⁢ nausea, vomiting, ⁢and possible food aversions.⁤...