Search Results for heart-failure/taking-diuretics

استئصال الأسناخ

ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...complications and speed up the healing process. These include taking preemptive antibiotic medications and refraining from strenuous activities during the recovery period. Blood-thinning medications should also be avoided. References: Dym...

عملية جراحية في البطن

ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...organs **Q:⁣ How should ‍I ⁢prepare for abdominal ‌surgery?** **A:** ‍Preparation for⁤ abdominal surgery typically involves: – Fasting before the surgery – ⁣Taking antibiotics – Quitting smoking ⁤and alcohol consumption...

ما هو النكاف؟

## What is Mumps? **Question:** What is mumps? **Answer:** Mumps is‍ a contagious ⁤viral infection ​that causes ‍swelling of ‍the ‌salivary glands. It is caused by the mumps ⁣virus, which...