Search Results for type-2-diabetes/hypertension

What is Aortic Dissection?

Aortic Dissection
...them. This can weaken the aorta and lead to life-threatening complications, including⁤ rupture. **Keywords:** aortic dissection, aorta, blood flow,⁣ rupture **Causes⁣ and Risk⁤ Factors** * High blood pressure (hypertension) *...

ما هو الاجهاض؟

الإجهاض ، Fausse-couche ، الاجهاض
...of the mother (over 35) * History‍ of miscarriage * ⁤Certain ⁤medical ⁢conditions (e.g., thyroid disorders, داء السكري) * Smoking ‍or alcohol consumption * Use of certain medications *⁤ Genetic abnormalities...