Search Results for sexually-transmitted-diseases/getting-tested

ما هو التوحد؟

**What is ⁢Autism?** Autism ‍spectrum disorder ⁢(ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects social skills,⁣ communication, and ‍behavior. It is part ​of a broad⁤ group of ⁤conditions known as...

ما هو الاجهاض؟

الإجهاض ، Fausse-couche ، الاجهاض
**What is Miscarriage?** **Question: What is miscarriage?** **Answer:** A miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, is the premature loss ‍of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. It ​is a...

ما هي الملاريا؟

ما هي الملاريا, What is malaria, Qu'est-ce que le paludisme **Key Symptoms of Malaria:** * ‍Fever * Chills * Sweating *⁤ Headache * ​Muscle pain * Nausea * Vomiting *⁢ Diarrhea **Transmission of Malaria:** Malaria is transmitted ⁢through the...