Search Results for eye-health/diabetic-macular-edema-symptoms-treatment

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ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...Jr. “A manual for below-knee (trans-tibial) amputees.” Hoar CS Jr., Torres J. “Evaluation of below-the-knee amputation in the علاج او معاملة of diabetic gangrene.” N Eng J Med 1962; 266:440-443. /trp_language]...

ما هو الشاهوق؟

الشاهوق ، الشاهوق ، الغنج
...sneezes ⁢ [[2]]. Close contact⁢ with an infected individual significantly increases the⁢ risk of infection. أعراض of Pertussis The⁢ symptoms of pertussis typically appear 7-10 days after exposure to​ the...