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Stress​ Relief Techniques – 9 ⁢Simple Strategies to Manage Stress

Stress can be a killer if you don’t stay on top of it. When left unchecked, stress can lead to anxiety, ‍depression, burnout, or⁤ even physical‌ illness and disability. ‍Any of these scenarios would be a major disruption in your life. It’s important to understand how to ⁤manage your stress before it gets to that point. ⁤

What ⁣is stress?

Stress ⁤is ⁤the body’s reaction to demands, expectations, or situations that put ‍extra pressure on us. ​Everyone responds to stress differently, and triggers vary from person to person. ⁣Commonly known ⁣stressors include job pressures, financial worries, social expectations, relationships, ​and ‍even changes in ‍the⁣ weather.

What does stress do to you?

Stress triggers ⁣a‍ physical ‌response in the body known ‌as​ the fight-or-flight response. This ⁣response is an inborn reaction to a “threat.” The response kicks in, releasing a burst of energy so that you can fight​ or run away. That burst of ⁢energy ‍comes from the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate, blood pressure, and the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Cortisol prepares​ your body for ⁤immediate action by suppressing‍ nonessential functions, such as ⁣digestion and immunity.

These physical responses were extremely important for⁤ our ancestors’ survival, but they aren’t as ‍useful in our modern world. These ⁢hormones don’t just disappear after the⁣ danger passes. If the stressor does⁣ not completely go away, the hormones stay in your bloodstream. As a result, your body⁤ may remain in this kind of a hyper-alert state, leading to physical, mental, and emotional symptoms associated with chronic‌ stress.

To prevent stress from⁤ having a negative impact on your life,​ it’s‌ essential ‌to learn how to manage stress with effective strategies.

9 Simple Stress Relief Techniques

1. Talk to Someone

One of ​the most effective stress ‌relief techniques is‌ to confide in someone else.‍ Talking ⁢to a friend ⁢or family member who you trust ⁤is a‍ great way to open up about what’s​ going on with you. You ‍don’t ‍have to solve ​anything—just talking helps‍ to put your thoughts into ‌perspective.⁤ Not to mention, you can receive advice from someone who cares.

2. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity boosts endorphins, which ​are hormones that create a ⁣positive feeling in your body. To benefit, aim to move your body for at least 20 minutes per day. Exercise ​doesn’t necessarily⁣ mean ​intense workouts—it could be fitness classes, a brisk walk, or even dancing around the living room. Anything that ⁣gets your‌ body moving can be beneficial.

3. Take Time for Hobbies

When you have too much on your‌ plate, hobbies can often be the first things to ⁣go. However, hobbies⁣ are important to maintain ‍your mental wellbeing. A hobby can be anything from reading, playing music, meditating, or⁣ even scrapbooking. Practicing a hobby can ‌be‍ therapeutic and relaxing. It’s important to make time for hobbies that you ⁤enjoy—don’t let obligations and stressors crowd them out.

4. ⁣Stay Organized

Life can often become overwhelming when there are too many things to keep track of. To avoid⁢ feeling overwhelmed, it’s important‍ to stay organized. Keeping things in ‌order is one⁣ of the best stress​ relief techniques. Create to-do lists, delete unnecessary ​tasks, and⁣ make an effort to prioritize. Once you start getting more organized, you may find that your stress level drops significantly.

5.‌ Get Enough Sleep

Sometimes it can seem like you don’t have enough hours in the ⁢day. But, skimping on sleep is one of the worst things ‌you can do for your health. When you don’t get enough sleep, it leaves you feeling sluggish and can significantly‌ worsen stress⁢ levels. Make‌ sure to ⁣get at least seven to eight hours⁣ of sleep⁣ each night to keep your energy levels up and your hormone⁤ levels balanced.

6. Practice Deep Breathing

In certain stressful situations, ⁣deep breathing may be the only way to find relief. ⁤Deep breathing is⁤ one of the easiest, most effective stress relief techniques and is even proven to instantly reduce stress hormones. To practice deep breathing, sit or lay down in⁣ a comfortable position‍ and take slow, deep breaths.

Focus simply on the⁣ act ‍of inhaling and exhaling. The goal is to slow your breathing down as‌ much as you can and ‍try to clear your mind of other thoughts. Do this for a‌ few ⁤minutes ‌and you’ll⁣ soon find your stress levels decreasing.

7. Spend Time in Nature

The sound of the ocean⁢ waves, a hike in the woods, or a stroll ⁤by the lake can be extremely⁤ calming. Being in⁣ close proximity to nature can offer a sense of peace and relaxation, and make stress ​disappear almost instantly. The next time you’re feeling​ overwhelmed, consider going on ​a nature walk. Even if it’s simply the local park, you can reap the ​natural mood-enhancing benefits of spending time outdoors.

8. Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great tool ⁤to help manage feelings of stress. Certain essential oils have calming effects ⁤and can ⁣help to relax your body and your mind,⁢ providing much-needed⁤ relief. For example, lavender oil is known to be calming while lemon oil increases mental ‍concentration. Consider diffusing essential oils ‍to bring soothing scents into your home or office, or use ⁤them in a massage to relax sore, tense muscles.

9. Eat Stress-Reducing Foods

Certain foods can increase your stress levels, while other foods ‌can⁣ have⁢ a calming effect.⁣ Some of the best stress-reducing foods ⁢include dark ⁤chocolate, avocado, green tea, oatmeal, and fats such as olive oil and nuts.⁢ Adding these foods to your diet can have a significant‍ impact on ⁣your stress levels.


Stress should always be taken seriously. It’s not something you ⁣should let “ride out” or‌ ignore ‍until it goes ⁤away. ​Administering effective stress relief techniques can reduce stress ‌levels and improve your ⁣overall wellbeing. Making time for activities that reduce ‌stress can be incredibly beneficial in both the short and long term. The strategies⁤ we’ve discussed provide‍ the groundwork for a path to stress relief – all you have to do is‍ get started.⁤

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