ما هو صداع التوتر؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Tension-Type Headache?**

**Q: What are the causes of tension-type headaches?**

**A: The exact cause is unknown, but factors such as stress, muscle tension, anxiety, and poor posture are thought to ​contribute.**

**Q: What are the symptoms of tension-type headaches?**

**A: Common symptoms include:**

* ⁤Mild ​to moderate ​pain in the head, often described as⁢ a tight band or pressure

* Pain that lasts for‍ 30 minutes to several hours

* Tenderness in the muscles of the​ neck, head, or shoulders

* Sensitivity to light or noise

**Q: How⁤ is tension-type headache diagnosed?**

**A: Diagnosis involves a physical examination and a review of ​symptoms. Blood tests or imaging studies are typically⁢ not needed.**

**Q: What are the treatments for tension-type headache?**

**A: Treatment options include:**

* Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen

* Prescription‍ medications, such as triptans or muscle relaxants

* Physical therapy to improve posture and muscle tension

*​ Relaxation techniques, such‌ as ⁣yoga or meditation

* Biofeedback to reduce stress and monitor muscle tension

**Q: Can tension-type headache be prevented?**

**A: Preventing tension-type headaches may not be entirely possible, but managing stress and lifestyle factors can help reduce the frequency and ​severity of episodes.**

**Q: When should I see a doctor about tension-type headache?**

**A: Seek medical attention if your ​headaches are:**

* Persistent or severe

* Accompanied by fever,​ nausea, or vomiting

* Worsening or changing in pattern

**Q: What is the prognosis for tension-type headaches?**

**A: Tension-type headaches are usually not a serious condition and most people‍ can manage them with self-care techniques or occasional medication. However, they can be chronic and affect daily life.**


* Tension-type ‌headache

* Causes

*⁢ Symptoms

* Diagnosis

* Treatment

* Prevention

* Prognosis

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