What is Frenectomy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Definition & Overview

A frenectomy is a procedure performed to remove the frenula, or small folds of tissue found in various parts of the body that are responsible for keeping an organ from moving too far from its correct position. Also known as a frenotomy or a frenulectomy, the procedure is most commonly performed in various parts of the mouth as part of orthodontic treatment. The procedure is now performed using advanced surgical techniques that help minimise wound contraction, bleeding, and scarring.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Frenectomy is commonly recommended for those who:

  • Are undergoing orthodontic treatment – In many orthodontic-related cases, the frenum is attached too low on the gums, forcing the gap between two of the patient’s teeth to become larger than normal. In some cases, the gap closes as the patient grows older and permanent teeth come in. If it does not, however, the patient may choose to have braces to close the gap, in which case removing the frenulum is necessary.

  • Are in the process of getting dentures – A frenectomy helps the dentist achieve the best fit for the dentures, especially in cases wherein there is tissue attached to the centre of the upper lip. If the procedure is not performed but the patient went on to use dentures nonetheless, there is a high risk of the dentures feeling loose due to the frenulum.

Are diagnosed with ankyloglossia, a congenital condition wherein the frenulum under the tongue is unusually short and thick causing a condition commonly known as a tongue-tie. In severe cases termed as complete ankyloglossia, the tongue is completely attached to the floor of the mouth causing severe complications related to feeding and speech.

These problems may also cause symptoms such as:

  • Clicking jaws
  • Painful jaws
  • Inability to speak clearly
  • Inability to open mouth widely
  • Difficulty eating
  • Inflamed gums
  • Loose dentures

Regardless of the specific problem, the degree of frenulum interference varies greatly. In mild cases, a frenectomy is usually unnecessary. In general, the procedure is only recommended in cases wherein the frenulum causes pain, restricts speech development, or puts the patient at risk of permanent dental issues that cannot be resolved by other treatment options. The procedure is widely performed on paediatric patients.

How is the Procedure Performed?

A frenectomy can be performed using a variety of techniques. The safest and most efficient involves the use of CO2 surgical lasers, which helps improve the precision and accuracy of the treatment. It also minimises bleeding and reduces the risk of complications, mainly because the laser does not cut the frenectomy but simply vaporises it. The process is not painful and is, in fact, comfortable even for young patients, with babies even sleeping through it. CO2 laser frenectomies also guarantee faster ablation, predictable tissue response, protection from infection, and practically instant haemostasis. Moreover, comparative results show that scarring is reduced significantly in incisions made with CO2 lasers as compared with incisions made using a traditional surgical scalpel.

Despite this, a frenectomy is performed under anaesthesia, which effects usually extend up to 30 to 45 minutes after the procedure. In most patients, sutures are no longer necessary, as the laser energy stimulates a healing response from the body.

Possible Risks and Complications

The risks associated with a frenectomy include:

  • Relapse – Due to the mouth’s fast healing tendency, it is possible for the frenulum to reattach during the recovery period, especially if there are two raw wounds that are near to each other.
  • Wound contracture – Wounds can sometimes contract inwards during the recovery process.
  • Infection

These risks are less likely to occur in cases where laser frenectomy is used instead of the traditional cold steel technique.


  • Devishree, Gujjari SK., Shubhashini PV. “Frenectomy: A review with the reports of surgical techniques.” J Clin Diagn Res. 2012 Nov; 6(9): 1587-1592. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3527809/

  • Parhad S., Prasad V., et al. “Frenectomy using diode laser.” National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. http://www.scopemed.org/?mno=179222


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**What is Frenectomy: Overview, Benefits, and ‍Expected​ Results**


A frenectomy is a minor surgical ⁤procedure​ that ​involves removing or modifying a frenulum, a thin band⁢ of tissue that connects certain parts of the‌ body. In dentistry, a frenectomy typically⁣ refers to‍ the removal of the frenulum‍ that connects the lip or tongue to⁤ the gum line.


Frenectomies can provide⁢ several benefits, including:

* **Improved oral hygiene:**⁤ Removing a frenulum can make it easier to brush and floss⁢ the affected area, reducing ⁣the risk of cavities and gum disease.

* **Enhanced speech:** A⁢ restrictive frenulum can impede speech, especially in ⁤children. Frenectomy ⁤can improve articulation⁤ and pronunciation.

* **Reduced pain:** A tight frenulum⁣ can cause ‍discomfort when eating, talking, or smiling. Frenectomy can relieve⁣ this pain and improve ⁢overall comfort.

* **Baby-feeding assistance:** ⁣A tight frenulum in infants​ can make breastfeeding or bottle-feeding difficult. Frenectomy can⁢ improve their ability‍ to‍ latch and suckle.

**Expected Results**

The expected results of a‍ frenectomy vary depending on the individual’s specific needs and ‍the type of frenectomy performed.‍ In general, patients can expect:

* ‍**Increased mobility:** The removal​ or⁤ modification of the frenulum​ allows ​for greater flexibility and movement of the affected area.

* **Reduced pain:** The elimination of discomfort associated with a tight or restrictive frenulum improves overall well-being.

* **Improved function:** A frenectomy can restore normal​ function to the affected area,⁤ such as ‍improved speech ⁢or feeding ability.

**Types of‍ Frenectomy**

There ​are two main types of frenectomy ​performed in dentistry:

* **Lip frenectomy:** Removes the frenulum that connects the upper lip to⁣ the ⁤gum line, known as the ⁣labial frenum.

* **Tongue frenectomy:** Removes or modifies the frenulum‍ that connects the ⁢tongue to the floor of the ⁤mouth, known as the lingual frenum.


Frenectomies are typically performed in a dentist’s office under local anesthesia. The procedure involves carefully cutting or trimming the frenulum using lasers or surgical instruments. The process is usually quick and takes only a few minutes.


Recovery time from ‍a frenectomy is typically short. Patients may experience some discomfort for a few days, which can be managed with over-the-counter ​pain medications.⁣ It’s important to follow the dentist’s instructions for post-operative‌ care, which may include ⁤rinsing ‌the⁢ mouth with saltwater ‌and avoiding certain ⁢foods ⁣or activities.


Frenectomy is ​a safe and effective procedure that can provide numerous benefits. ⁣By addressing restrictive ⁣frenulums, it⁤ can improve oral⁣ hygiene, speech, comfort, and feeding ability. By understanding the overview, benefits, and expected ‌results of a frenectomy, ‌patients can make an informed‍ decision about the procedure to achieve their desired outcomes.

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