What is Placement of Soft Tissue Localisation Devices: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Definition & Overview

The development of different imaging technologies has allowed the visualisation of the body’s internal structure to a degree of accuracy. The images obtained by these procedures have allowed great advancements in treating different medical conditions, including tumours and cancers. However, there is still the need for accurate localisation of these abnormalities to allow observation and evaluation over a long period of time. The placement of soft tissue localisation devices or soft tissue markers allows physicians to easily identify and observe tumour growth during follow-up checkups. These markers also help in targeting treatment or pinpointing the exact part of the body to be surgically removed. These markers are easily seen through various imaging techniques such as X-ray, computed tomography, fluoroscopy, or magnetic resonance imaging. There are different types of soft tissue localisation devices. These include metallic pellet, clips, hook wires, and radioactive seeds. Metallic pellets are inserted into diseased soft tissue making the tissue visible to ultrasound imaging. They can be used for several weeks of observation. Soft tissue clips, on the other hand, are used to mark affected tissues during surgery but can also be left inside the body for imaging evaluation after surgery. Some soft tissue markers are also made up of wires that serve to provide accurate location of tumour cells. These wires can be flexible enough to allow them to follow changes in tumour shape and movement. On the other hand, some surgeons prefer to use radioactive seeds as tumour markers, especially if the diseased cells are quite small and are hard to pinpoint.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

The placement of soft tissue localisation devices can benefit cancer patients. These patients are often attached with soft tissue markers during the course of diagnosing and treating their conditions. These localisation devices are inserted in breast cancer patients during mammogram and irradiation therapy to ensure accurate, targeted treatment. The markers also make it easier for physicians to keep track of the size and condition of tumour cells. Prostate cancer patients are also fitted with soft tissue markers prior to undergoing nonsurgical treatment modalities such as radiation, hormone, and chemotherapy. In some cases, placement of soft tissue localisation devices is also performed in patients diagnosed with soft tissue sarcomas or to mark the location of lymph nodes to evaluate the spread of cancer cells. The procedure helps improve the accuracy of locating and treating cancer cells in the body. With the use of appropriate imaging techniques, patients have a greater chance of getting treatment in the most minimally invasive way as possible. The use of soft tissue markers or localisation devices also ensures minimal to no damage to surrounding tissues and organs. Patients who are attached with these soft tissue markers may be asked to visit their oncologist’s clinics several times over the course of their diagnosis and treatment.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Different techniques are employed when inserting soft tissue markers into the body. The insertion of metallic pellets is often associated with brachytherapy. Using imaging techniques like fluoroscopy or ultrasound, a delivery device such as catheter or applicator, is inserted into tissues or body cavity. The device releases the metallic pellets within the tumour cells, which is left there for a specified period of time. These pellets are used as tags to indicate where a specific tumour site is located. Some pellets contain radioactive substances designed to shrink and eventually kill the tumour cells. The same concept is applicable for inserting radioactive seeds. With the use of ultrasound or magnetic resonance, a clip is inserted using an introducer needle and advanced into the tumour site. If deployed during a surgical procedure, the clip is removed along with the excised tumour cells. However, if the device is inserted for observation, the clip may be left inside the tissue over a specific period of time. Hook wires are inserted into interstitial tissues using a small guide needle. The affected area is numbed with local anaesthetic so the patient will feel minimal discomfort. Using ultrasound, the wire is guided into the desired site and left in place. The wire is then used to help surgeons in removing tumour cells by providing accurate localisation.

Possible Risks and Complications

Some patients may develop adverse reactions to metallic substances inserted into their bodies, though this complication is quite rare. Another rare complication is the risk of developing infection at the needle or catheter insertion site. Some hook wires can be displaced after placement, affecting the accuracy of surgical procedure. There are also reports of some fragments or bits of wire being left inside the tissue after surgery.

References: * Tumor markers. National Cancer Institute. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Detection/tumor-markers. * McPherson RA, et al. Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 22nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier Saunders; 2011. http://www.clinicalkey.com.


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What is Placement of Soft Tissue Localisation Devices: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

The placement of soft tissue localisation devices, also known as soft tissue markers or fiducial markers, is a technique ⁤used in medical imaging to precisely ⁢locate and target soft tissue structures during imaging or treatment procedures. These markers are small, metallic, or radio-opaque objects that can be easily visualized on medical imaging scans.

Soft tissue​ localisation devices are commonly used in various medical fields, including radiation therapy, interventional radiology, and surgical oncology. Their placement‌ provides ‍numerous ⁤benefits and helps improve the accuracy and effectiveness⁣ of medical ⁢procedures.

Overview of the Placement Process:

The placement of soft ⁣tissue localisation devices involves a minimally invasive procedure performed by a qualified healthcare professional. The process typically includes ⁢the ‍following steps:

  • Patient Preparation: The patient is positioned and prepared for the procedure. This may ​involve cleaning and sterilizing the area where the markers will be placed.

  • Anesthesia⁤ Administration: Local anesthesia is‍ administered to numb the area, ensuring minimal discomfort during the placement process.

  • Marker Placement: ​Using imaging ⁣guidance, such as ultrasound, CT,⁤ or fluoroscopy,‍ the healthcare professional inserts the ​markers ‌into⁤ the targeted soft‌ tissue structures. The number and location of the markers depend‍ on the specific procedure and desired outcome.

  • Confirmation of Marker Placement: ⁤Once the markers are in position, imaging⁣ scans are performed to confirm their accurate placement within the soft tissues.

  • Completion of⁢ the Procedure: After confirming successful marker⁤ placement, the procedure is completed, and the‍ patient may be discharged or moved ‌to ⁢the appropriate⁣ next stage of treatment.

Benefits of Soft Tissue ‌Localisation Devices:

Soft tissue localisation devices offer several benefits⁤ for both patients and healthcare providers. These include:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: The‌ placement of these ⁢markers allows for ⁣precise targeting ⁤of ‌soft tissue ⁤structures, ​enhancing the accuracy of treatment ‌or imaging‍ procedures.

  • Improved Treatment Planning: Soft tissue markers enable healthcare⁢ providers to precisely plan and deliver radiation therapy or surgical interventions. They ⁤aid in identifying the target ⁣area and differentiate it from surrounding healthy tissues.

  • Real-time Monitoring: During procedures, the markers provide⁢ real-time visual guidance, allowing healthcare professionals to track the position and movement of the soft tissue structures being treated.

  • Reduced Treatment Time: ⁤By providing clear ‌visibility and accurate localization of⁣ soft tissues, these markers‍ enable faster treatment ⁢delivery, reducing the overall procedure‌ time.

  • Minimally Invasive: The placement procedure​ for soft tissue markers⁤ is minimally invasive, resulting in less discomfort, minimal scarring, and faster recovery for patients.

Expected Results:

The placement of soft tissue localisation devices yields various expected results, depending on the specific‌ procedure and​ treatment goal. These results may include:

  • Precise Targeting: Accurately placed markers ​allow ⁣for precise targeting of soft tissue structures during various medical procedures, such as radiation therapy or surgical interventions.

  • Improved ⁣Clinical ​Outcomes:⁤ The use of soft tissue ⁣markers helps improve clinical outcomes⁣ by enhancing the accuracy and⁣ effectiveness of treatment. ⁤This leads ​to better disease control ​and improved patient prognosis.

  • Reduced Side Effects: With precise localization of soft tissues, medical procedures can be targeted directly ‌at the intended​ area, ‌reducing⁤ the impact on surrounding‌ healthy tissues and minimizing side effects.

  • Enhanced Patient Comfort: The ⁢placement of soft tissue markers helps⁤ healthcare professionals customize treatment plans, leading to more effective‍ and comfortable⁣ experiences ⁢for patients.

  • Quicker Recovery: By reducing treatment time and⁣ minimizing invasiveness, the placement of soft tissue markers promotes quicker ⁣recovery‍ times ⁢for patients undergoing​ various medical‍ interventions.

In conclusion, the placement of soft tissue localisation devices is a valuable technique used ‌in various‍ medical fields. These devices offer numerous benefits, including enhanced accuracy, improved ‌treatment planning, real-time monitoring, reduced treatment time, and ⁢minimally invasive procedures. Expected results of using these markers include precise targeting, improved clinical outcomes, ​reduced side effects, enhanced patient comfort, and quicker⁢ recovery. By optimizing the placement of soft tissue localisation ‍devices, healthcare professionals can improve patient care and achieve better treatment outcomes.


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