What is Moxibustion: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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What is Moxibustion? Overview, Benefits, and⁤ Expected ‍Results

Moxibustion is an ‌ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has been used​ for‌ thousands of‍ years to treat and prevent a wide range ‌of illnesses and conditions. Moxibustion utilizes the medicinal properties ⁣of mugwort, a⁣ species of plant found mainly in East Asia. Moxibustion is regarded as an effective form‌ of preventative therapy as well‌ as a curative treatment ​for a wide⁢ range of ‌ailments.

What ⁣is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is an⁢ ancient form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that‌ stimulates specific acupuncture points to improve the flow of qi, ​or energy, within​ the body. ‌It involves the use of an herb called mugwort, which is burned ⁢on or‌ near the skin. ⁣The heat ⁢generated from the ⁤burning of this herb‍ has been ⁣known to relieve pain, improve circulation, and remove toxins from ​the body. The process of moxibustion is similar to acupuncture, but instead ⁤of needles, ‍it uses heat to activate ⁤particular acupoints.

What Does​ Moxibustion Treat?

Moxibustion can be used to treat an array ⁤of ailments, including musculoskeletal pain, respiratory conditions,⁣ digestive issues, and reproductive ‍problems. Additionally, moxibustion‍ can be used as ‌a preventative measure against‌ future illnesses.

Methods of Moxibustion

Moxibustion can be performed in a number ⁤of different ways. The most common method is ⁣direct ⁢moxibustion, ‌which ‍involves burning the mugwort directly on the skin at the chosen acupoint. The burning of ⁢the herb is usually stopped after a few‌ seconds ‍to avoid burning or scarring the skin.

Another method⁤ is indirect moxibustion, which is more commonly ⁤used when ⁣skin ‌sensitivity​ or allergies are present. With this method, the mugwort is rolled into a stick or a cigar‍ and‍ then applied to the skin without burning. The ​heat generated by the lighted mugwort ​provides the desired therapeutic⁣ effect.

Moxibustion can also be‌ incorporated into other TCM treatments, such‍ as acupuncture, cupping, and herbal remedies.

Benefits of Moxibustion

Moxibustion has ‍been⁢ found ⁢to have a number of medicinal benefits, including:

  • Reducing pain and inflammation

  • Improving circulation

  • Stimulating the immune system

  • Stimulating the production of endorphins, ‍naturally​ occurring hormones that act as a natural pain killer

  • Removing toxins from the body

  • Improving digestion

  • Facilitating the repair of‌ tissue

  • Stimulating the production of ‌hormones

  • Increasing‍ the effectiveness of other ⁤TCM treatments such as acupuncture ‌and ⁣cupping

Expected Results from​ Moxibustion Therapy

The effects‌ of ⁢moxibustion therapy vary ⁣from person to person, ⁣depending on the duration ‍of the session and the condition being treated. However, ⁣many people report feeling a significant improvement in their symptoms‌ after just one session.

For some conditions, patients may need a​ few sessions of moxibustion‌ to ‌experience the full range‌ of benefits. Generally,⁣ the improvement in​ symptoms is more ‌long lasting if multiple treatments ⁤are received.

Complications ⁣with Moxibustion

Moxibustion is generally considered ​to be a safe ⁣and effective ⁤form of⁣ TCM when ​performed properly.⁢ However, certain adverse effects can occur if‍ the practitioner ⁣is⁢ not experienced in⁢ the art⁢ of moxibustion. The most common⁤ side effects include skin irritation, burns, blisters, and scarring.

To minimize the risk of these side effects, it​ is important to make sure that the practitioner⁣ is properly trained ‌and experienced⁢ in moxibustion therapy.⁢ Additionally, it is important ‌to follow the practitioner’s instructions and ​ask any questions before and during⁣ the session.


Moxibustion is an ‌ancient ⁣form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for thousands‌ of years to treat and prevent a wide range of illnesses and ⁣conditions. It utilizes the medicinal properties of mugwort to stimulate particular acupuncture points to improve the flow of qi, or energy,⁢ within the‌ body.

Moxibustion has been found ‌to have a number⁤ of medicinal‌ benefits, including reducing pain and⁤ inflammation, promoting healing, ‍and improving circulation. The effects of moxibustion therapy can vary from person to person,‌ but many people report feeling ⁤significant improvement in their symptoms after one⁤ session.

It is important⁢ to make sure that the⁣ practitioner is ⁢properly trained and experienced⁤ in moxibustion therapy​ to minimize the risk of any adverse effects ​or complications.⁤ With the right practitioner, ⁤moxibustion can ⁤be an ‍effective form of therapy for treating various conditions.

Definition & Overview

Moxibustion is a traditional medical technique with Chinese roots. It uses natural heat therapy derived from dried mugwort plant that produces moxa when it is burned near the skin surface. The warmth is said to help dispel unwanted pathogens in the body. The plant, known to help speed up healing, was used in Asia for thousands of years due to its medicinal purposes, with news and use of it spreading not just across China but also in Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and even Mongolia. Also known as Artemesia Vulgaris or simply “ai ye” in Chinese, the plant is known to increase blood circulation, especially in the pelvic and uterus area, making it more beneficial for women.

Who should undergo and expected results

Based on its use in traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion can help resolve a long list of health issues, including:

  • Colds – The moxa and its resulting therapeutic heat is known to help expel cold from the body.
  • Breech pregnancies – Moxibustion is believed to help turn breech babies into a normal head-down position during pregnancy to make sure no complications occur during childbirth. Published studies showed that this therapeutic method has a success rate of 75% when it comes to resolving breech presentations. This is achieved by applying the moxa at an acupoint near the bladder.
  • Menstrual cramps – When combined with acupuncture, the moxa is also known to effectively reduce menstrual cramps.
  • Pain relief after injury, including sprains and strains
  • Pain relief for arthritis and tendonitis
  • Digestive issues
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Clammy hands and feet

Recent experimental studies have also linked the procedure with more health benefits, including:

  • Asthma treatment
  • Ulcerative colitis treatment

Aside from treating specific health issues, moxibustion is also believed to bring a general improvement in a person’s health. It can help restore the body’s strength and slow down the aging process. Also proven to be beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people, it is especially helpful in maintaining the health of the spleen, stomach, and kidneys.

The procedure is often performed in conjunction with acupuncture when it is deemed necessary or safe for the patient’s condition or diagnosis. Most practitioners hold the opinion that the effects of both therapies are heightened when they are used together. However, while acupuncture is only mostly done in clinics, moxibustion can be performed even in the patient’s own home, as long as the room has proper ventilation.

How the procedure works

Moxibustion is performed by qualified acupuncturists and any medical practitioner who has completed a degree programme in traditional Chinese medicine. Moxibustion practitioners are not governed by a licensing or accreditation body, but in some countries, only those with an acupuncture license can perform this procedure.

The procedure is believed to work by warming specific regions of the body, which are identified as meridian points, a concept similar to acupuncture points. The intention is to stimulate circulation and make blood flow more freely. Ancient Chinese concepts believe that the warmth makes up for the “yang deficiency” that causes cold and other problems in a person’s body.

How moxibustion is performed

  • Direct moxibustion – The direct method uses a small amount of moxa that is placed on top of key acupuncture points in the body and burned. The process can be either scarring or non-scarring. With a direct scarring moxibustion, the moxa is ignited and allowed to burn out completely, causing scarring and blistering after the skin heals. With a direct non-scarring technique, the moxa is extinguished or removed so that it will not burn the skin. Both methods, however, cause a healing sensation to penetrate through the skin, although some traditional advocates of this therapy believe that the scarring method is more effective.
  • Indirect moxibustion – An indirect moxibustion is the more popular choice because it is safer than the direct method. It is performed by holding a burning moxa stick just over the area needing treatment. It is held in place above the skin, but not touching it, for several minutes until some redness is observed. In another variation of the indirect technique, the moxa is attached to acupuncture needles, which are inserted into the acupoints while the moxa remains safely away from the skin.
  • Stick on moxa – This is a more modern technique of moxibustion. It is performed by placing a small amount of rolled up moxa on cardboard barrier. It is then lit before placing it directly on the moxa points.
  • Moxa wool – This involves putting some salt on the patient’s navel, kneading some wool into a cone, and putting it on the salt. The size of the moxa wool varies depending on the condition that is being treated.

Patients can expect to feel a sudden warming sensation that tends to radiate along a specific direction, which depends on the purpose and location of the area that is being treated. This sudden heating sensation is believed to be the arrival of the ‘Qi’, signaling its ability to flow freely through the correct channels in the body.

Experts say that a moxibustion procedure should last at least 3 to 5 minutes but should not exceed 15 minutes. The more serious the ailment, the longer the procedure should be. Longer sessions are used only for the treatment of specific illnesses or diseases, while shorter treatments are used for general health maintenance. In the summer, the length of the procedure is also kept shorter due to the effect of climate on body temperature.

Possible risks and complications

While the use of moxa is proven safe to use by years and years of Chinese medicine, it is not advisable for everyone and should only be used for its known purposes.

Another possible complications are respiratory issues arising from the inhalation of moxa smoke. The plant is known to produce a huge amount of smoke and also causes a strong, pungent odor. While some may find it simply uncomfortable, other patients, especially those with existing respiratory problems, may find it more bothersome. Fortunately, there are smokeless moxa sticks available these days that can be used as an alternative when treating patients who are sensitive to smoke and strong odors. Although still quite effective, many still prefer what is called the ‘true moxa’ made from mugwort, which, unfortunately, produces a lot of smoke because it is believed to be more effective. Many clinics simply combat the smoke and odor with the use of in-house air purification systems.


  • The Mechanism of Moxibustion: Ancient Theory and Modern Research


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