Search Results for asthma-medication-and-drugs

What is Asthma?

## What is أزمة? **What ‍is أزمة?** أزمة is a common chronic disease of the airways. It causes inflammation و narrowing of the airways, ​which can lead to wheezing, coughing,...

ما هي مراجعة الأدوية النفسية: نظرة عامة ، الفوائد ، والنتائج المتوقعة

What is Psychiatric Medication Review: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
...(NIMH). Antidepressant medications for children و adolescents: information for parents و caregivers. Available at: Accessed October 31, 2014. US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening و treatment for major depressive...

ما هو الصداع النصفي؟

migraine headache
...reduce triggers و improve symptoms. * **Preventive medications:** دواءs such as ⁤topiramate, propranolol, ‌and Botox injections can ⁣reduce the⁤ frequency و severity of migraines. **Conclusion:** Migraines are a debilitating neurological...

GERD and Related Conditions

GERD and Related Conditions
جدول المحتويات أزمة Symptoms of أزمة Intermittent أزمة Mild persistent أزمة Moderate persistent أزمة Severe persistent أزمة Symptoms of an أزمة attack Symptoms of أزمة in children Symptoms of...