Search Results for pneumonia

ما هو الالتهاب الرئوي؟

...into the ​lungs can lead to التهاب رئوي. **How is التهاب رئوي diagnosed?** التهاب رئوي is diagnosed based on a physical examination, a ⁢patient’s ⁣medical history, ‍and a chest X-ray. **How is التهاب رئوي...

ما هي عدوى الانفلونزا؟

Influenza Infection
...**Complications** In severe cases, influenza infection can ‍lead ⁤to complications such as التهاب رئوي, bronchitis, and hospitalization. These complications are⁢ more ‍common in individuals with ⁤underlying health conditions such as ‌asthma,...

ما هو برودة الصدر؟

ما هو برودة الصدر؟, What is Chest Cold?, Qu'est-ce que le rhume de poitrine ?
...However, complications can occur ⁤in individuals with⁣ weakened immune systems or‌ underlying health conditions. These complications include: * التهاب رئوي * Bronchitis * Respiratory failure **Additional Information:** * Chest colds ‌are...

ما هو الإنتان؟

...Sepsis? **Sepsis** can be caused ‌by any infection, but the most common sources include: – التهاب رئوي – Urinary tract infections – Skin and soft tissue infections – Abdominal infections ###...