Search Results for sickle-cell-anemia

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Anemia, Anémie, فقر الدم a deficiency of folate (vitamin B9). * **Sickle cell anemia:** An ⁢inherited condition where red blood cells ‍become sickle-shaped and can cause pain, organ damage, and other complications. *...

Herbs for Sickle Cell Anemia: 4 Types

Herbs for Sickle Cell Anemia: 4 Types
جدول المحتويات فقر دم Types of فقر دم Iron deficiency فقر دم Megaloblastic فقر دم Aplastic فقر دم Hemolytic فقر دم الثلاسيميا Sickle cell anemia Anemia symptoms فقر دم causes Diagnosis of anemia Anemia treatment Complications...