Search Results for type-2-diabetes/top-exercises

ما هو سرطان المرارة؟

سرطان المرارة
...gallbladder cancer. * **Acanthosis nigricans:** A skin ⁢condition associated with type 2 داء السكري and obesity increases the risk. * **History of ⁤gallbladder‍ polyps:** Precancerous polyps in the ⁤gallbladder⁢ can lead...

ما هو نقص فيتامين د؟

نقص فيتامين D
...Dietary factors, Medical conditions, Age-related factors, Certain medications * **Internal‍ linking:** Include links to relevant articles on related topics such as sunlight⁢ exposure‌ and vitamin ​D supplements **Additional Information:** *...