What is Scrotoplasty: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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## What is Scrotoplasty?

Scrotoplasty, also known as scrotum reduction, is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the scrotum and strengthen the underlying muscle of the scrotum. In this procedure, excess skin and fats from the ​sac of the ​scrotum are removed to reduce the size and make the overall structure of the scrotum more‌ aesthetically pleasing. Scrotoplasty is typically recommended for men with oversized scrotums (macro-scrotum) caused by a medical condition or as a result of certain lifestyle changes.

## Overview of Scrotoplasty

Scrotoplasty is a ‍very safe and effective surgical procedure. It can reduce⁣ the size of the scrotum significantly,‍ with minimal scarring, while ⁤also strengthening the structure of the⁣ scrotum. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and has been proven to provide patients with significant cosmetic and functional improvements. During the procedure, the surgeon makes‌ small incisions and then carefully removes excess‌ skin and fat. The incisions are then sutured closed and a ⁢supportive dressing is applied.⁢

The results ​of scrotoplasty are usually permanent, as the skin and fat that is removed does not typically grow back. However, some patients may experience some residual swelling or bruising following the procedure which should subside ⁤over time. Overall, many patients report a great deal of satisfaction ‌with the results of‌ the procedure.

## ​Benefits of Scrotoplasty

The main benefit of scrotoplasty is a more ⁣aesthetically pleasing​ look of the scrotum. Many men have oversized,​ uncomfortable scrotums, which can lead to poor confidence when wearing certain types of clothing. With the improvement in the size and shape of the scrotum, men can feel more ⁢confident in their clothing choices and no longer feel embarrassed by their appearance.

Another potential ⁤benefit of scrotoplasty is the improvement of function. Patients with‍ oversized scrotums ⁣oftentimes experience various issues, such as sweating, discomfort, ⁣and⁣ difficulty during ​certain physical activities. By reducing the size of the scrotum, these health complications can be minimized or eliminated.

## Preparing for Scrotoplasty

Before having a scrotoplasty, patients must meet with a qualified surgeon⁢ for a physical evaluation to‍ determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. During the evaluation, the surgeon will assess the patient’s overall health and discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.‍

Additionally, it is important for patients to have realistic ‍expectations of the procedure. Scrotoplasty is not a miracle cure for all medical conditions or lifestyle changes related to‍ the scrotum. In some​ cases, patients ‌may need ​further treatments to address the underlying issues which are causing ​the oversized scrotum. It is important for ⁤patients to understand this before undergoing the procedure.

Finally, patients must also refrain from smoking⁤ and drinking⁢ alcohol for at least one week prior to the procedure, as these activities can increase the risk of⁢ complications.‍

## Scrotoplasty Procedure

Scrotoplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia, so patients are usually⁤ able to go home the same day as the procedure. During⁣ the‍ procedure, the surgeon makes a⁤ small incision in‍ the scrotum, which allows them‍ to remove excess skin and fat. The incision is then sutured and a supportive dressing ⁤is applied.

Patients may experience some swelling and bruising following the procedure, but this should subside over time. Most patients are able to return to work within a few ⁤days, although it is important to listen to their doctor’s instructions⁣ and take it easy for a few‍ days.

## Expected Results

The results ​of scrotoplasty are usually permanent⁣ and patients should expect to see a definite improvement in the⁤ size and shape ⁣of their scrotum. In some cases, further ‍treatments may ⁣be necessary to⁢ address any underlying ⁣medical issues which are causing the oversized scrotum.

Most patients experience a significant improvement in their​ confidence after having a scrotoplasty. Many men no longer feel ⁤embarrassed or uncomfortable when wearing certain types of clothing, as the size and shape of their scrotum has ⁤been drastically improved. Additionally, patients often report an improvement ⁤in function, as the procedure makes physical ⁤activities easier ‍to perform and helps to reduce any unwanted sweating.

Overall, patients should expect to see a greatly improved, more aesthetically pleasing scrotum following the ​procedure, with‍ minimal scarring and long-lasting results.

## Risk and Complications

As⁢ with any surgical procedure, there⁢ are ⁢some risks and potential‌ complications ​associated with ⁤scrotoplasty. Generally, these complications can be minimized by following​ the pre- and post-operative instructions given by the‌ surgeon. It is ‍also important that patients understand the potential risks before undergoing the procedure.

In rare cases, there may be some⁢ complications‍ with the healing process. These can include excessive bleeding, infection, or scarring.⁣ Additionally, some patients may experience numbness or loss of sensation in ⁣the ⁤area, due to nerve damage ​during the procedure. Patients should be aware of these risks before undergoing scrotoplasty.

The most common complication following a scrotoplasty is excessive swelling. This is normal for the ⁣first few days ‌after the⁣ procedure, however, if the swelling persists for an extended period of time, it is important to contact the surgeon.

## Conclusion

Scrotoplasty ⁣is a safe and effective procedure ⁤that can significantly improve the look and function of the scrotum.⁢ The procedure is typically performed under local​ anesthesia and can provide patients with long-lasting results. While there are some potential risks and complications associated with the⁣ procedure, these can be ⁢minimized by adhering to the pre- and post-operative instructions given by the⁤ surgeon.

If you are considering having a scrotoplasty, it is important that you meet with ‍a qualified surgeon for a physical evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. ​With realistic expectations and⁣ an understanding of the risks and potential complications, patients can experience a drastic improvement in their ‍physical and ⁣mental wellbeing following a scrotoplasty.

Definition & Overview

The scrotum is a thin sac found at the base of the penis and is an important part of the male reproductive system. It provides protection to the testes, where the sperm is produced. It also controls the temperature within the testes, providing an optimal condition for sperm production and growth.

Scrotoplasty is the surgical procedure for forming a scrotum for females who wish to undergo complete gender reassignment. It is also the term used for the surgical repair of defective or damaged scrotum. However, there are also instances when scrotum reconstruction is done for cosmetic purposes, to achieve improved appearance, and avoid sagging caused by the presence of excess skin.

Who Should Undergo & Expected Results

Scrotoplasty is recommended for:

  • Women who are undergoing gender reassignment procedure – Scrotoplasty is one of the procedures performed for women who wish to complete their transformation into the opposite gender. It is typically performed after the patient has undergone a psychological evaluation and hormonal therapy. In some instances, it is done along with other related procedures such as penis creation.

  • Males who suffer from decreased penile length. This condition is the result when too much skin is removed during circumcision leading to the attachment of scrotal skin high up on the shaft.

  • Men who wish to remove loose scrotal skin as a result of aging – More than the aesthetic concern, loose scrotal skin also causes irritation and discomfort especially when wearing tight clothes. Individuals who don’t have any underlying physiological problems but just wish to improve the appearance of their genitals may also opt for scrotoplasty.

  • Male infants born with a condition called congenital penoscrotal webbing – The condition is otherwise known as concealed or buried penis. Scrotoplasty is one of the surgical procedures used for the treatment of this condition.

  • Males who suffered a significant injury to the scrotum or diagnosed with scrotal tumours.
    As for the expected results, scrotoplasty has excellent outcomes, with short recovery time and mild associated pain. Most patients report satisfaction in both function and appearance of the affected part after surgery.

How Does the Procedure Work

This procedure is typically performed in an outpatient setting, requiring local anaesthesia. During surgery for gender reassignment, incisions are made just above the pubic bone and in the lower part of the labia majora. The lower ends are then turned up and stitched to form a pouch. After a certain amount of time, the patient undergoes another procedure to insert testicular implants into the newly-formed pouch to give it a more masculine appearance. The incision is then sutured shut.

Another scrotum reconstruction technique is used for the treatment of congenital penoscrotal webbing. One incision is made to separate the penis from the scrotum and another to remove excess tissue in the area. Sutures are then used to close the incisions.

During plastic surgery to remove sagging scrotal skin, excision is made along the median raphe between the two halves of the scrotal sacs. Once the excess tissue is removed, the excision site is closed with the use of sutures.

Possible Complications and Risks

Scrotoplasty is associated with the following risks and complications:

  • Perioperative and postoperative bleeding
  • An adverse reaction to the local anaesthesia used
  • Infection to the surgery site
  • Bruising within or around the surgery site
  • Altered or reduced sensation to the scrotum
  • Scarring that may require further surgical procedure to correct
  • Rejection or expulsion of the foreign body for those who received testicular implants
  • Pain, which may become chronic and impact the patient’s overall quality of life
    Scrotum reconstruction yields permanent results, and there may be a few patients who may not be satisfied with the aesthetic or functional outcomes.


  • Hoar RM, Calvano CJ, Reddy PP, Bauer SB, Mandell J Unilateral suprainguinal ectopic scrotum: the role of the gubernaculum in the formation of an ectopic scrotum. Teratology 1998;57:64–9.

  • Elder JS, Jeffs RD Suprainguinal ectopic scrotum and associated anomalies. J Urol 1982;127:336–8


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