What is Pulmonary Endarterectomy with or without Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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Definition & Overview

Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) is a medical procedure that removes the blood clot that blocks the pulmonary artery. The goals are to alleviate right ventricular dysfunction as well as pulmonary hypertension. It can also be performed to reduce pulmonary vascular resistance.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results?

Pulmonary endarterectomy is indicated for patients with a blood clot in their pulmonary artery. It is a highly complex medical procedure that requires careful selection of patients as well as the surgical team with the right expertise in PEA.

Successful pulmonary endarterectomy can have life-changing effects on patients since it can rid all the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension. The survival rate is also high at 96%. However, the intake of life-long maintenance medicine is needed to prevent new blood clots from coming.

The survival rate has been improving for PEA patients as the medical procedure improves and data around the globe continues to increase. The data includes how surgeons around the globe approached the procedure and the many challenges they encounter as well as collective successes throughout the entire operation.

Studies also show that pre-operative treatments or therapy increase the likelihood of success of the entire surgical operation. This means that appropriate pre-surgical treatment using drug therapy is important to better prepare patients for invasive surgery and increase their chances of avoiding postoperative complications.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Pulmonary endarterectomy is a major surgery that requires the opening of the chest wall through a median sternotomy incision (the surgical incision in the breastbone). Dividing the sternum allows surgeons to gain access to the heart.

It can also be performed with cardiopulmonary bypass. Bypass means that an alternative channel, usually a machine, is created or used in order to improve blood flow to the heart (heart bypass) or lungs (pulmonary bypass) or both (cardiopulmonary bypass) when a coronary or pulmonary artery is blocked or temporarily unable to perform its normal function due to a surgical operation.

Before the surgery, the patient in placed under total circulatory arrest. The procedure involves bringing the body temperature down to 20 degrees Celsius to stop blood circulation and brain function for up to one hour. Such technique is very important because it allows the pulmonary arterial branches to be more visible making it easier for surgeons to work on the problem areas.

Recent operations involving PEA are also video-assisted to better check the interior of the artery and better guide the surgeon. Video-assisted procedures typically offer improved patient outcomes.

Pericardiotomy, or the surgical removal of the pericardium (the membrane that encloses the heart), is performed after median sternotomy. The superior vena cava, or the vein that brings blood from the upper part of the body to the heart is also dissected so that doctors can access the pulmonary artery. When the blood clots in the pulmonary artery become visible, an arteriotomy is performed (opening or cutting the arterial wall).

Patients who have undergone pulmonary endarterectomy have to take warfarin, an anticoagulant drug for the rest of their lives to prevent the formation of new blood clots.

Warfarin drug comes in 1mg, 3mg, and 5mg. Most patients start at 1mg. Surgeons put the patient under medical tests to see the effectiveness of the drug. The test happens every 4 to 8 weeks. The dose of the drug is increased if there are indications that blood clot will form.

To check the effectiveness of warfarin, doctors check the patient’s blood sample and see how it clots as compared to a normal blood. This is expressed in ratio and called the international normalised ratio (INR).

The calculation is simple; if the patient’s blood takes twice the normal time to clot, it means that the patient’s INR is 2. In order to rule out a blood clot in the blood vessels, especially the pulmonary artery, the INR must be between 2 and 3.

Possible Risks and Complications

Pulmonary endarterectomy is a high-risk medical procedure that is associated with life-threatening post-surgical complications.

It is also associated with various risks include bleeding. Warfarin prevents blood clot formation or at least reduces the blood’s ability to clot. With that in mind, patients need to be careful with their daily activities as any injury can result in excessive bleeding or bruising.

Patients must contact their doctor if they experience any of these:

  • Excessive or nonstop bleeding from cuts
  • Nosebleeds
  • Bleeding gums
  • Red or dark brown urine
  • Increased bleeding among women during periods (could be any form of vaginal bleeding)

Warfarin has contraindications and cannot be taken with other medicines unless prescribed by the surgeon. Other food and food ingredients can also interact with the drug. Thus, patients must check with their surgeon if they plan on taking other types of medications.

Additionally, patients will need to inform their dentist that they are taking warfarin so that any dental procedure is scheduled. The dentist and surgeon will work together as to when is the best time to schedule the dental treatment and temporarily stop the intake of the medication.


  • European Respiratory Review; “Pulmonary endarterectomy: the potentially curative treatment for patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension”; http://err.ersjournals.com/content/24/136/263

  • ATS Journals; “Techniques and Outcomes of Pulmonary Endarterectomy for Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension”;

  • http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/pats.200605-120LR#.V_ODuJN97qU


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**Title: ​Pulmonary Endarterectomy with ​or ‌without Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Overview, ⁢Benefits, and Expected Results**

**Meta Title: Understanding Pulmonary Endarterectomy and Its ‍Benefits**

**Meta⁤ Description:⁢ Discover the overview, benefits, and expected results ⁣of pulmonary ⁢endarterectomy with or without ⁤cardiopulmonary⁢ bypass. Learn⁣ more about⁢ this⁤ procedure, its effectiveness, and ​its potential impact on patients recovering ‌from chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).**


Pulmonary endarterectomy⁤ is a surgical procedure used to ⁤treat chronic thromboembolic ‌pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), a⁣ rare lung disease⁢ caused by the formation ⁤of blood clots in the pulmonary arteries. ‍This procedure is considered the gold standard⁢ treatment ‌for CTEPH and can significantly improve patients’ ‌quality of‌ life and long-term outcomes. In this article, we‌ will dive⁣ into the details of pulmonary endarterectomy, including its ⁤benefits, ​expected results, and the use of cardiopulmonary bypass during the ⁣procedure.

**Understanding Pulmonary Endarterectomy:**

Pulmonary‍ endarterectomy is a highly specialized ‌procedure ​performed by experienced thoracic surgeons ‍to⁤ remove blood clots from the pulmonary ‌arteries. ‌The surgery aims to improve blood flow to the lungs and consequently relieve the associated symptoms of⁢ CTEPH, such‍ as shortness of breath, fatigue,⁢ and chest pain.

**The ⁣Procedure:**

During the pulmonary endarterectomy procedure, the patient ​is put under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes⁤ an incision along the sternum to access the heart, lungs, and​ pulmonary arteries. The patient may⁣ undergo the ⁣surgery either⁢ with or without cardiopulmonary bypass, ⁣depending‌ on the ⁣severity and ⁢location of blood clots.

1. **Pulmonary Endarterectomy with Cardiopulmonary Bypass:**

– In cases where blood clots are​ deeply⁣ embedded or located in ​the central‌ pulmonary arteries, the surgeon‌ may utilize cardiopulmonary bypass. This technique involves​ temporarily redirecting ​the patient’s blood flow ‍through a heart-lung ⁣machine, allowing the surgeon to safely remove the ‍clots while the heart is stopped.

2. **Pulmonary Endarterectomy without Cardiopulmonary Bypass:**

– For patients with‍ less severe ⁣blood clot formations or ⁣clots ‌located‌ in the more peripheral pulmonary arteries, ‍cardiopulmonary bypass‌ may not be required. In this case, the surgery⁢ can be performed without⁢ stopping the heart, making⁣ it a‌ less invasive procedure.

**Benefits of Pulmonary ⁣Endarterectomy:**

Pulmonary endarterectomy offers several benefits​ for patients‌ with CTEPH:

1. **Improved Symptoms ‍and Quality of Life:**

– By removing the‌ blood clots obstructing ‌the pulmonary‍ arteries, pulmonary ‌endarterectomy can ‍significantly improve symptoms such as ​shortness of breath, fatigue, and ⁣chest pain. This procedure has been reported to enhance patients’‍ quality of life and increase their ability ‍to ​perform daily ⁢activities.

2. **Prolonged Survival:**

– Studies have ‍shown that pulmonary endarterectomy can lead to improved‌ long-term survival among CTEPH ⁣patients. The‍ procedure effectively removes ⁣chronic blood clot burden, reducing strain on the heart and lungs, and ‍lowering the risk of complications.

3. **Avoidance of Lifelong​ Medical Therapy:**

– Pulmonary ​endarterectomy can potentially eliminate or reduce the ⁢need for‍ lifelong medical therapy in ​CTEPH patients. While medication may be necessary before or after the⁤ procedure,‍ successful ​surgery can often alleviate the reliance on ‌long-term drug treatments, leading ⁢to cost⁤ savings and a decreased risk of‍ side effects.

**Expected Results and Recovery:**

Patients​ who undergo pulmonary endarterectomy can expect the following results and ⁢recovery process:

1. **Immediate Improvement:**

– Following the⁤ surgery, ‌many patients experience immediate improvement in their symptoms. They may notice an increased ability to breathe, reduced ⁢chest pain, ‌and ⁢improved stamina.

2. **Post-Surgery Recovery:**

– The recovery period ​after​ pulmonary endarterectomy ‌typically ‌involves a hospital stay ⁤of around one to two weeks. ​During this time, monitored rehabilitation and pulmonary physiotherapy are often recommended to aid ​recovery and improve lung function.

3. **Long-Term⁤ Outcomes:**

– Patients‌ who‌ undergo successful pulmonary endarterectomy typically experience long-term relief from CTEPH symptoms and⁢ improved ⁢survival rates. Regular follow-up appointments with a ‍healthcare team will be necessary to monitor progress and adjust any ongoing‌ treatments if required.


Pulmonary ​endarterectomy, either with or without ⁢cardiopulmonary bypass, is a highly ⁣effective surgical ⁣procedure for treating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). This ‌procedure offers ⁢numerous benefits, including improved symptoms, enhanced quality ‌of ⁤life, increased survival rates, and the potential avoidance of lifelong medical‍ therapy. With proper ‍care and​ rehabilitation, patients can expect significant improvements in ⁣their condition and enjoy ‍a better overall prognosis.

**Table:⁢ Advantages of Pulmonary Endarterectomy**

| Advantages of ‍Pulmonary Endarterectomy |


|‌ 1. Improved symptoms and quality of life ⁣|

| 2. ⁣Prolonged survival ​|

| ​3. Potential avoidance‍ of lifelong medical therapy |

| 4. Lower risk of complications |

| ⁢5.⁣ Increased lung function |

| 6. Enhanced ability to perform daily​ activities |

| 7. Improved long-term outcomes |

| 8. Reduced strain on the⁣ heart and lungs |

|​ 9. ⁤Lower risk of future blood clot formation |

Note: The table above can be styled using WordPress ‌table classes to enhance visual appeal.


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– Reference 3

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