What is Preventive Medicine Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Definition and Overview

Preventive medicine consultation is an appointment with a specialist whose primary objective is to maintain the good health and well-being of the patient by eliminating potential causes, understanding and mitigating risks, and reducing the serious and long-term impact of an existing condition.

Specialists who practice preventive medicine can be very varied, from general physicians to internists, cardiologists, nephrologists, and orthopedics. There are also medical practitioners who specialize in this field, and most of them are part of the American Board of Medical Specialties (AMBS).

Usually, preventive medicine refers to the general or public setting such as the prevention or management of a disease outbreak, immunization, and other forms of prophylaxis. However, it can also involve occupational medicine, or the prevention and management of conditions that normally affect those in the workforce. For example, those who work on desk jobs have an increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders. It can also refer to aerospace medicine, which refers not only to health care but also research on how to improve conditions for workers in the aerospace industry, including those who need to work in outer space.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Preventive medicine is recommended to:

  • Everyone – As they say prevention is always better than cure, and there is no perfect time for preventive measures than as soon as possible. Everyone is encouraged to undergo preventive medicine consultation, especially as a person gets older, in order to screen, detect, diagnose, and mitigate illnesses that can lead to long-term disability and even premature death.

  • People who are considered high risk – Certain factors can increase the risk of morbidity and death of an individual. For instance, those who have high blood pressure are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, and thus, may need to consult a cardiologist. The same advice goes to those who have stenosis (narrowing of the arteries) due to the buildup of cholesterol deposits.

  • Those who carry certain mutated or defective genes – Although having these genes does not mean the person will automatically become ill, it significantly increases the risk. For instance, women who have mutated genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 have more than 80% chance of developing breast cancer. They are also susceptible to ovarian cancer.

  • Individuals who have a family history of diseases – Some conditions run in the family. Normally, the illness appears much earlier for those who have a family history of a certain condition when compared to the general population. Preventive medicine can ensure that the disease is prevented or, if not, managed very early so it does not cause serious harm to the person.

  • Those who are exposed to certain environmental and lifestyle factors – Aside from genes, environmental and lifestyle factors can also boost the risk of certain medical conditions. An example is smoking cigarettes. Smokers have an increased risk of suffering from various medical conditions including lung cancer.

  • Travelers – Preventive medicine can also apply to travelers, who may be going to countries where infection and contraction of certain diseases are high.

    How Does the Procedure Work?

One of the first steps that doctors take is determining the level of prevention, which can range from primary to tertiary. It is primary if the goal is to prevent the occurrence of disease. This can be accomplished by immunization (normally through vaccination), healthy lifestyle, and cessation of substance abuse. It is secondary if the goal is to detect a disease and address it before other serious symptoms appear. These include cancer screening. It is tertiary if there is already an existing condition but that preventive medicine consultation is necessary to significantly reduce the likelihood of a more complex treatment, long-term disability, and even death.

Consultations occur when a general practitioner or the insurance company refers the patient to a specialist. When they take place, however, depends on many factors such as age and condition. For example, for people below 40 years old, blood pressure consultations are usually scheduled every two years unless they are diagnosed with hypertension. Dental consultations are often once a year while eye consultations are conducted every two years.

During the consultation, the doctor will keep track of the progress of not only the disease but also the general health and well-being of the patient. The absence of any symptom does not automatically mean the person is healthy. Thus, a variety of exams are expected to be carried out. For example, at a particular age, certain cancer screenings are conducted. Vaccination is also updated.

Possible Risks and Complications

Not everyone goes through preventive medicine consultation for a number of reasons, but usually, it is because of complacency and the lack of incentive to go through with it. Compounding the problem is the possibility that the necessary consultation is not covered by insurance or there is no nearby doctor who can perform it.


  • Atkins D, Barton M. The periodic health examination. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 14.

  • Guide to Clinical Preventive Services 2014. Recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/tools-and-resources-for-better-preventive-care. Accessed March 9, 2015.


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What is Preventive Medicine Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results


Preventive medicine consultation is a proactive approach to healthcare that ⁤focuses on preventing diseases ⁢rather than just treating them. It involves comprehensive assessments, screenings, counseling, and personalized recommendations⁢ to help individuals maintain optimal health and prevent future medical conditions.

During a preventive medicine⁢ consultation, healthcare professionals, such as physicians, nurses, or wellness coaches, work with ​patients to identify potential risk factors, ⁤evaluate lifestyle choices, and develop strategies to minimize the chances of developing chronic illnesses.


Preventive medicine consultation offers numerous benefits for‌ individuals and society as a whole. By identifying potential health risks early on, this approach allows for timely interventions, leading to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs in the long run. Here are some key benefits of⁣ preventive medicine consultation:

1.​ Early Disease Detection

Preventive medicine consultations often involve thorough screenings and ⁤assessments to detect early signs ​of diseases. For example, screenings for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain types of cancer help identify these conditions before they manifest with⁢ noticeable symptoms. Early detection enables prompt treatment and improves the chances of successful outcomes.

2. Disease Prevention

Preventive medicine consultations guide individuals on adopting healthy lifestyle practices that can help prevent diseases in the first place. Professionals may provide⁢ recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, ‌stress⁣ management, smoking cessation, and immunizations. By making positive lifestyle changes, individuals can reduce their risk of developing chronic conditions,‍ such as heart disease, diabetes,⁣ and certain cancers.

3. Individualized Approach

Each person has unique ​healthcare needs and risk factors. Preventive medicine consultations take into account⁢ an individual’s medical history, genetics, and‌ lifestyle ‍choices⁤ to provide personalized recommendations. This tailored approach ensures that individuals receive ⁣targeted advice⁤ and ⁢interventions that are‍ most relevant ‍to their specific circumstances.

4. Holistic Health Assessment

Preventive medicine consultations often include a comprehensive health assessment‍ that goes beyond traditional medical evaluations. Besides physical examinations,⁣ these assessments may cover mental‌ health, stress⁤ levels,‌ sleep patterns, and social determinants of health. By ⁢considering these various aspects, healthcare professionals gain a more holistic understanding‍ of an individual’s health and can address potential issues proactively.

5. Cost Savings

Preventive medicine consultations⁣ can lead​ to substantial cost savings in the long run. By identifying and addressing health issues ‍early, individuals can ‌prevent costly emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and long-term treatments. Moreover, preventive measures are generally more cost-effective than⁢ curative treatments, ⁤as they focus ⁣on reducing‌ the ⁢likelihood of diseases rather than treating them once they occur.

Expected Results

The expected results of preventive medicine consultations vary depending on the individual’s current‌ health status, lifestyle choices, and adherence to ‌recommendations. Here ‍are some common outcomes individuals can anticipate:

1. Improved Overall Health

Engaging in preventive medicine consultations often results in better overall health. By adopting healthy behaviors and receiving necessary interventions, ‍individuals can experience improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular assessments and screenings also help monitor health status and detect any changes that require attention.

2. Reduced⁢ Disease⁢ Risk

By adhering to the ​advice provided during preventive⁤ medicine consultations, ⁤individuals⁤ can lower their risk of developing chronic diseases. Making changes⁤ to one’s diet, exercise ⁤routine, and coping mechanisms ⁢can significantly decrease the chances of conditions like heart ⁢disease, ‌stroke, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

3. Increased Longevity

When individuals take proactive measures ‌to maintain their health, they often increase their chances of‌ living longer, healthier lives. Preventive‍ medicine consultations assist in identifying and ‌managing risk factors⁢ that⁣ can⁢ impact longevity. By optimizing health and reducing the likelihood of developing serious illnesses, individuals can potentially extend their lifespan.

4. Enhanced Quality of Life

Preventive medicine⁤ consultations aim to ⁣enhance an individual’s overall quality of life.‌ By addressing existing health concerns and preventing future ones, individuals can experience improved physical function, better mental‍ health, and ⁢increased productivity. Preventive​ measures also reduce the physical and emotional burden associated with chronic diseases.

In ⁢conclusion, preventive medicine consultation is a valuable approach to healthcare that ⁤focuses on preventing diseases and promoting well-being. By offering early disease detection, disease prevention⁤ strategies,​ personalized ​recommendations, holistic‍ health assessments,⁢ and cost savings, this proactive method has the potential ⁤to improve overall health, reduce disease risks, increase longevity, and⁣ enhance quality of life. Engaging in preventive medicine ​consultations equips individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to take control of their health and ‌prevent ‌future medical conditions.


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