Search Results for dry-cough

What is Acute Bronchitis?

Acute Bronchitis
...bacterial cause is suspected, however, treatment methods are available. These include: Cough medicine; if a cough is particularly severe and affects sleep, a cough medicine may be prescribed by a...

What is Pertussis?

الشاهوق, Pertussis, coqueluche
...cough’ but experience severe uncontrollable coughing attacks. Infants may have breathing difficulties but no cough. Treatment The treatment consists of antibiotics and rest. If severe breathing problems occur, the sick...

What is Chest Cold?

ما هو برودة الصدر؟, What is Chest Cold?, Qu'est-ce que le rhume de poitrine ? two to three weeks,** though the cough may persist for longer. If the coughing is particularly severe, cough medication is available over the counter, or it may be prescribed...

What is Measles?

...(40°C). *​ **Cough:** Dry, ⁢hacking cough. * **Runny nose:** Clear, ‍watery ⁤discharge. * **Red, watery eyes:** Conjunctivitis ​(pink eye). * **Other symptoms:** Koplik’s spots⁣ (small, ​white⁢ spots on the inside...

What is Asthma?

Asthma worried about blurred vision as a result of keratoconjunctivitis sicca? What can I do when my eyes feel dry? Is there a surgical method of treatment for keratoconjunctivitis sicca?...