Search Results for glucose

What is Alcohol Intoxication?

Alcohol Intoxication
...intoxication treatment includes:[1],[3][10] Mild alcohol intoxication Usually only requires observation Might require glucose administration if glucose levels are decreased Might require sedative medications if they are agitated, violent, or uncooperative....

Reducing risk: type 2 diabetes

type 2 diabetes? diabète de type 2, داء السكري من النوع 2
...diabetes, let’s look at how your body gets glucose.  When you eat food, your digestive system processes it, extracting glucose. When that glucose enters your blood, it triggers your pancreas...

What is a Diabetologist?

...investigations, fasting blood glucose level tests, hemoglobin A1c tests, oral glucose resilience tests, and non-fasting blood glucose level tests. The medicines given by a diabetes expert may include: recommending and...