Search Results for hoarseness

What is Chronic Laryngitis?

Chronic Laryngitis in industrial environments and/or smoke tobacco, and so the prevalence of chronic laryngitis is rising among women.[1] The main symptom of chronic laryngitis is vocal hoarseness, which occurs due...

What is Acute Laryngitis?

Acute Laryngitis
...chronic laryngitis. Symptoms Typical symptoms of laryngitis include: Dysphonia (hoarseness of the voice) Fever (during the first few days of infection) Sore throat A need to clear the throat frequently...

What is Chronic Pharyngitis?

Chronic Pharyngitis
...poor diet, exposure to environmental toxins, and more. It’s a condition that can lead to a range of ‌different symptoms, including sore⁢ throat, difficulty ⁤swallowing, hoarseness, and loss⁤ of voice....

What is Laryngeal Cancer?

Laryngeal Cancer
...Less common sites of laryngeal cancer include the areas above and below the vocal cords, which are called the supraglottis and subglottis areas. The condition leads to hoarseness of the...

What is Acute Pharyngitis?

Acute Pharyngitis
...with diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, measles, whooping cough, or diphtheria. Symptoms of laryngitis include:[10] Hoarseness or other changes in voice Tickling sensations in the throat A raw throat...

What is Smoke Inhalation?

Smoke Inhalation
...duration of smoke inhalation. General symptoms, however, include:[2][4] Coughing and hoarseness Irritated sinuses Shortness of breath, which may lead to total respiratory failure Chest pain Headache Stinging eyes or vision...

What is Anaphylaxis?

...of raised, pink or red areas known as wheals General reddening of the skin Wheezing, hoarseness and a tight chest, leading to difficulty breathing Swelling of the lips, tongue and...