Search Results for undescended-testicle

What is Cryptorchidism?

Cryptorchidism testicle is undescended. * **Bilateral cryptorchidism:** Both testicles are undescended. **Symptoms:** The primary symptom of cryptorchidism is the ​absence of one ​or both testicles in ‌the scrotum. Other symptoms...

What is Testicular Cancer?

Testicular Cancer have children if I have a corrected undescended testicle? Does having an undescended testicle affect my testosterone levels? How do I check for testicular cancer? Testicular cancer is rare...

What is a urologist?

...trauma Inguinal hernia Will I be able to have children if I have a corrected undescended testicle? Does having an undescended testicle affect my testosterone levels? How do I check...