Search Results for wheezing

What is Asthma?

...the lungs. Asthma can vary in severity; its symptoms may be present every day or only during an asthma attack. The most common asthma symptoms include wheezing, chest pain, and...

What is Childhood Asthma?

Childhood Asthma
...whistling sound that accompanies their breathing. This is commonly known as “wheezing.” Typically, wheezing is especially prominent when the child exhales. Other possible signs and symptoms of childhood-onset asthma include:...

What is Acute Bronchitis?

Acute Bronchitis
...a short-term inflammation of the bronchial tubes which carry air to and from the lungs. Its principal symptom is coughing. This is often accompanied by:[1][2] Wheezing Shortness of breath Fatigue...

What is Anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis worsen quickly. Typical symptoms include an itchy red rash, coughing or wheezing, difficulty breathing, and, eventually, fainting. Triggers for anaphylaxis are different from person to person but are often...

What is Chronic Bronchitis?

Chronic Bronchitis
...mucus. Other symptoms include fatigue, wheezing, and shortness of breath.[1] Chronic bronchitis is differentiated from acute bronchitis by its persistent nature. Acute bronchitis – which shares the same symptoms as...

What is Food Allergy?

Food Allergy
...may be raised, red, itchy and blotchy Nausea and/or vomiting Wheezing and/or breathlessness Stomach pain Diarrhea Nasal congestion and/or a runny nose Sneezing and/or dry coughing Lightheadedness An unfamiliar, strange...