What is a Plastic Surgeon?

Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgeons are focused on reconstructive procedures. They can see patients who have conditions like birth disorders, injuries, illnesses, or burns. Many plastic surgeons choose to become cosmetic surgeons and do procedures to change a patient’s appearance or aesthetic. But…

What Is a Pharmacist?


Pharmacists are medication experts and play a critical role in helping people get the best results from their medications. Pharmacists prepare and dispense prescriptions, ensure medicines and doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions, and counsel patients on the safe…

What is a Periodontist?


Periodontology or periodontics is the specialty of dentistry that studies supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. The supporting tissues are known as the periodontium, which includes the gingiva, alveolar bone, cementum, and the…

What Is a Pediatrician?


Pediatricians are specially trained medical doctors who work with babies, infants, adolescents, and young adults. Children experience rapid physical, emotional, and behavioral changes as they grow up. Children and teenagers have unique medical needs that might fall outside the expertise…

What is a Pediatric Surgeon?

Pediatric Surgeon

Pediatric surgeons are doctors who specialize in treating children. They’re trained to do operations on infants, children, and young adults. They may have more qualifications than general surgeons. If your child has an illness, injury, or disease that requires surgery, a…

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric Dentist

Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood. Children begin to…

What is an orthopedic doctor?

orthopedic doctor

Orthopedic doctors are doctors who focus on caring for your bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, and tendons (the tissue that connects bones and joints). These parts of your body are also referred to as your “musculoskeletal system.” An orthopedic surgeon treats…

What Is an Orthodontist?


An orthodontist diagnoses overbites, occlusions, misaligned teeth and jaws, and overcrowded mouths. After the diagnosis, the orthodontist tries to solve any issues they discover. If left untreated, overbites, underbites, open bites, and crossbites are all problems that will grow worse over…

What is an Ophthalmologist?


An ophthalmologist is a medical or osteopathic doctor who specializes in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists differ from optometrists and opticians in their levels of training and in what they can diagnose and treat. When it’s time to get your eyes…

What Is an Oncologist?


Oncologists are doctors who diagnose and treat cancer. They often act as the primary healthcare provider for someone with cancer—designing treatment plans, offering supportive care, and sometimes coordinating treatment with other specialists.  What Does an Oncologist Do? Oncology is the…

What does an occupational physician do?

occupational physician

occupational physician or Occupational medicine is a clinical specialty and is the branch of medicine focused on keeping individuals well at work, both mentally and physically. As workplaces become more complex, occupational physicians play an essential role in advising people on how…

?ما هو اخصائي فك الاسنان


يعتني أخصائي فك الاسنان بمكونات الفك مما يسمح بفتحه وإغلاقه. من الضروري التشاور معه أثناء حدوث خلل في المضغ يمكن أن يتحول بسرعة ، إذا لزم الأمر ، إلى صداع أو مشاكل في الأنف والأذن والحنجرة. ما هو فك الأسنان؟ طب…