

What is Hypertensive Retinopathy?

Hypertensive Retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy (HR) is a possible complication of high blood pressure (hypertension). Persistent, untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to the retina, the tissues at the back of the eye responsible for receiving the images we need to see.…

What Is Scabies?


Scabies refers to a skin infection caused by a small mite. These mites spread from person to person by skin-to-skin contact or sharing personal items, such as towels or clothing. This condition can affect anyone but is more common in…

What is Diaper Rash?

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a common skin condition characterized by redness and irritation in the area covered by a diaper. This includes: The genital area The buttocks The lower back The abdomen The inner thighs Most often found in babies, it…

What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is cancer that begins in the large intestine, the endpoint of the body’s digestive system, which food waste travels through, before exiting the body. Most of the large intestine is called the colon.…

What is a Pressure Ulcer?

Pressure Ulcer

A pressure ulcer, also known as a pressure sore or bedsore, is a wound caused by prolonged pressure on the skin. Typical locations for pressure sores are the heels, ankles, hips, and over the tailbone. Elderly people and bed- or…

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects the normal functioning of a woman’s ovaries. The ovaries usually produce ova (eggs) and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones influence the menstrual cycle and the production and release of…

What is Open-Angle Glaucoma?

Cytomegalovirus Infection

Open-angle glaucoma, or primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), is a condition in which pressure inside the eye causes damage to the delicate tissue and nerves on the inside of the eye. This most commonly happens when the pressure inside the eye…