

What is Laryngeal Cancer?

Laryngeal Cancer

Laryngeal cancer is a cancerous condition affecting different areas of the throat, larynx, or voice box. Most commonly cancer affects the glottis, or vocal cords, where a tumor may develop. Less common sites of laryngeal cancer include the areas above…

Foreign Body Ingestion

Foreign Body Ingestion

Foreign body ingestion most often occurs when a non-edible object is swallowed and enters the digestive tract. However, the condition can also refer to edible items that become lodged before reaching the stomach. It can be a medical emergency, depending…

What is Nappy rash

Diaper rash

Nappy rash is a type of skin inflammation that appears as a bright red rash on the skin covered by a diaper on the baby’s bottom. It occurs typically in infants and children below the age of 2 years old.…