What is Laryngeal Cancer?
Laryngeal cancer is a cancerous condition affecting different areas of the throat, larynx, or voice box. Most commonly cancer affects the glottis, or vocal cords, where a tumor may develop. Less common sites of laryngeal cancer include the areas above…
Foreign Body Ingestion
Foreign body ingestion most often occurs when a non-edible object is swallowed and enters the digestive tract. However, the condition can also refer to edible items that become lodged before reaching the stomach. It can be a medical emergency, depending…
What is Depression in Childhood or Adolescence?
Childhood and adolescent depression is an emotional disorder that affects people under the age of 18. Like depression in adults, it is characterized by persistent feelings of low self-esteem, sadness, and hopelessness and can last for weeks or months. It…
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that affects the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves. This occurs as a result of disorganized or overactive brain activity. Schizophrenia tends to first occur during the teenage years or in early adulthood.…
What is Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS)?
Post-concussion syndrome (PCS), also known as a postconcussion syndrome, post-concussive syndrome, and persistent post-concussive syndrome, is a common complication of concussion. Post-concussive symptoms are typically similar to those of the initial concussion but last longer than usual. A concussion is…
What is Cradle Cap?
Cradle cap is a common skin disorder affecting newborn babies, usually those younger than three months of age. The medical name for this condition is infant seborrheic dermatitis. It is generally not uncomfortable for the infant, except in severe cases…
What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease (MND) in the U.K. or Lou Gehrig’s Disease in the U.S., is defined as a rare, progressive neurological disorder that causes nerve damage and muscle weakness. ALS affects and destroys…
What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Hypothyroidism?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis also called Hashimoto’s disease or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland. It may lead to hypothyroidism. In this case, the thyroid gland, located in the front of the…
What is Nappy rash
Nappy rash is a type of skin inflammation that appears as a bright red rash on the skin covered by a diaper on the baby’s bottom. It occurs typically in infants and children below the age of 2 years old.…
What are the Signs of Panic Attacks?
A panic attack is an abrupt episode of intense anxiety or fear accompanied by a number of physical symptoms such as a racing heartbeat and shortness of breath, normally lasting between 5 and 20 minutes. Panic attacks can be highly…