What is Impetigo?
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Impetigo, or school sores, is a bacterial infection of the skin. It is caused by Staphylococcal or Streptococcal bacteria. It is a relatively common infection, and most commonly affects school-aged children. It is easily spread by skin-to-skin contact, or via objects touched by someone with the infection. It causes itchy, painless bumps or sores which become blisters and burst, leaving a light brown crust. It may take several weeks to clear but antibiotics shorten the time taken to heal and reduce the spread of the bacteria. With appropriate treatment, most people recover well.
Impetigo occurs when bacteria that normally live on the body get into small breaks in the skin and begin to overgrow. These bacteria are normally Staphylococcal and Streptococcal bacteria, which also cause other medical conditions, such as tonsillitis, boils, and wound infections. This condition can affect people of all ages, although it most commonly affects children. Impetigo is most common in the warm months of the year, and in places with poor access to health care.
Impetigo begins as a red bump. This may occur on the face, arms, legs, trunk, or buttocks. These bumps may develop into a blister or an open sore, which forms a yellow-brown crust. The sores are itchy but painless.
Diagnosis is usually based on the appearance of the sores. The diagnosis can be confirmed by investigating fluid from as the sores for Staphylococcal or Streptococcal bacteria.
School sores are treated by keeping the sores clean. This can be done using low-irritant soaps and antiseptic lotions, such as lotions containing iodine, along with antibiotic creams. Sores should be kept covered if possible. If there is a widespread infection, antibiotic tablets may be needed.
People with impetigo should stay home from daycare, school or work until the sores form a crust or they have had 24hrs of antibiotic treatment. Sore should be covered when returning to school or work. Maintaining good hygiene measures, such as washing hands, bed clothes and objects used by the affected person, can help to prevent spreading the infection.
Other names for impetigo
- School sores
- Streptococcal impetigo
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Rousse, **Rousse**
* Rousse
* Redhead
Femme ayant des cheveux roux naturels.
* Cheveux roux (différentes nuances de roux)
* Teint pâle orné de taches de rousseur
* Yeux clairs (bleus, verts ou gris)
* Sensibilité accrue au soleil
La chevelure rousse est due à un gène récessif qui se manifeste lorsqu’une personne hérite d’un exemplaire de ce gène de chaque parent. Elle est plus courante chez les personnes d’ascendance celtique.
Les rousses sont souvent associées aux stéréotypes suivants :
* Tempérament impétueux
* Personnalité extravertie
* Sexualité audacieuse
* Sensibilité artistique
**Dans l’art et la culture**
Les rousses ont longtemps été représentées dans l’art et la culture, notamment :
* **Antiquité classique** : Méduse, la Gorgone aux cheveux de serpent
* **Moyen Âge** : Judith, l’héroïne biblique qui a tué Holopherne
* **Renaissance** : Arianna, la maîtresse du dieu Bacchus
* **Époque moderne** : Anne d’Autriche, l’épouse de Louis XIII
* **Cinéma** : Rita Hayworth, Lucille Ball, Nicole Kidman
* **Littérature** : Anne Shirley dans “Anne… la maison aux pignons verts”
**Aspects culturels**
Dans certaines cultures, les rousses sont considérées comme chanceuses ou possédant des pouvoirs spéciaux. Dans d’autres, elles peuvent être victimes de discrimination ou de harcèlement.
**En conclusion**, une rousse est une femme ayant des cheveux roux naturels qui se distingue par ses traits caractéristiques et ses représentations culturelles uniques.
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