What is Endometrial Cancer?

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Endometrial cancer, or uterine cancer, is a cancer of the lining of the uterus or womb (the endometrium). This condition is most common in women who have been through menopause. Common symptoms are vaginal bleeding after menopause and pain low in the abdomen. Treatment may consist of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The recovery and outlook depend on the stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis.


Cancer occurs when a group of abnormal cells grows uncontrollably. These cells tend to destroy normal cells around them and sometimes spread into other body areas through blood or lymph vessels. Endometrial cancer is cancer originating from the cells which line the uterus. This condition is most common in women who have been through menopause (women over 50 years of age). Other factors that increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer include obesity; never having given birth; the use of hormone-containing medications (including tamoxifen to treat breast cancer, and hormone replacement therapy); and smoking. People who have a family member with endometrial cancer have a higher risk of developing this condition.


The most common symptom is bleeding from the vagina after menopause. This might appear as spontaneous bleeding, or bleeding after sexual intercourse. Women who have not been through menopause may notice bleeding between periods. Other symptoms include pain felt low in the abdomen or low belly pain during sexual intercourse.


Diagnosis is usually made based on the symptoms and an ultrasound of the uterus. A tissue sample of cancer (a biopsy) is taken and investigated to confirm the diagnosis.


Treatment of uterine cancer depends on the size of cancer, the exact type of cancer and whether cancer has spread. The combination of these factors determines the stage of cancer. Depending on the stage, endometrial cancer can be treated by radiation therapy, surgery to remove the uterus, chemotherapy, or a combination of therapies. The treating doctor can give the best advice as to treatment.


The use of the oral contraceptive pill (the pill) may help to prevent some cases of endometrial cancer. Giving up smoking and reducing alcohol intake may also be helpful.

Other names for endometrial cancer

  • Uterine cancer


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**What is Endometrial Cancer?**


Endometrial cancer, also known as uterine cancer, is a type of cancer that develops ‌in the lining of⁣ the uterus, called the endometrium. It is the most common gynecologic cancer in⁤ the United States.

**Risk‌ Factors:**

* Age: Most commonly occurs​ in women⁤ over 50

* Obesity

* Diabetes

* Estrogen-only Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

* Certain inherited genetic conditions,​ such as Lynch syndrome

* Pelvic radiation therapy


* Abnormal vaginal ⁤bleeding or⁣ spotting, especially after menopause

* Heavy or‍ prolonged menstrual bleeding

*‌ Pelvic pain or pressure

* Postcoital ⁤bleeding

* Watery or bloody discharge from​ the vagina

* Unexplained weight loss


Endometrial cancer‌ is typically ⁤diagnosed through a biopsy, which involves removing a small sample of tissue for examination under a ‍microscope. This procedure can be performed during a ⁣pelvic exam, ‍hysteroscopy (a thin⁤ lighted tube inserted⁤ into the uterus), or dilation and curettage (D&C).


The treatment ‌options for endometrial ‍cancer depend on the⁤ stage and grade of the‌ cancer, as well as the patient’s overall health. Common treatment⁤ modalities include:

*‌ **Surgery**: Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus),​ with or without removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

* **Radiation​ therapy**: External beam radiation or brachytherapy⁤ (internal radiation)

*‌ **Chemotherapy**:⁣ Use of drugs⁢ to kill cancer cells

* ​**Hormone therapy**: Use of medications to‍ block or reduce hormone levels


While there is no sure way to prevent endometrial‍ cancer, ‍certain lifestyle modifications and medical interventions can reduce the risk:

* Maintain⁤ a healthy weight

* Manage diabetes

* Avoid excessive estrogen-only HRT

* Discuss genetic ⁣screening options with a healthcare provider


The prognosis for endometrial cancer⁤ depends on the stage and ‌grade of ‍the⁣ cancer at the time of diagnosis. Early-stage endometrial cancers typically have a high⁢ cure rate, while advanced-stage cancers require more aggressive‌ treatment⁤ and have a lower prognosis.

**Additional Information:**

* Endometrial ‍cancer is a treatable disease, especially when detected and treated early.

* Regular pelvic exams and Pap⁢ smears ⁢can help detect endometrial cancer in its early ‌stages.

* Symptoms⁣ of endometrial cancer should ⁣be discussed with a healthcare provider promptly.

*⁤ Support groups and resources are available for patients and their families.

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