What is Febrile Seizure?
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Febrile seizure
A febrile seizure is a seizure or convulsion which occurs during a high fever (febrile means ‘having a fever). These are common and are not related to the seriousness of the cause of the fever. It affects children between the ages of 3 months to 5 years. During the seizure, the child may lose consciousness, roll their eyes back, and stiffen or twitch their limbs. Despite this seemingly unusual activity, treatment is often not required. Most children have no long-term consequences after a febrile seizure
Febrile seizures most commonly occur in children between 3 months and five years. Toddlers are most commonly affected. A viral illness, common cold, or other infection often precedes or combines with a febrile seizure. A febrile seizure is not necessarily a sign that the child suffers from a severe illness.
The main symptom is a fit or convulsions that last less than 5 minutes while the child has a temperature of 38℃ or higher temperature. The child may lose consciousness and roll their eyes back while the arms and legs stiffen and twitch (convulse). There may be other symptoms, such as irregular breathing or vomiting. After the seizure, the child may be sleepy, even if they were utterly awake before the seizure.
A doctor can usually diagnose a febrile seizure after hearing a description of the seizure and about the current health of the child. If the cause of the fever is unknown, or if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, tests might be required to exclude conditions that could cause fever and seizures.
Febrile seizures usually pass quickly. The child must be safe during the seizure, so it may help to place them on a large bed or the floor, away from objects they may hit. Turn them onto their side in the recovery position. There is no need to hold the child down during the seizure, and nothing should be put in their mouth. The duration of seizures should be measured, and it lasts longer than 5 minutes with no signs of stopping, an ambulance should be called, or the child should be taken to the hospital for review.
Treating fevers with paracetamol or ibuprofen may help prevent some febrile seizure episodes.
Other names for febrile seizure
- febrile convulsion
- fever cramps
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**What is Febrile Seizure?**
A febrile seizure is a seizure that occurs in children between 6 months to 5 years of age, who have a fever, but no underlying neurological disorder. Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizure in children, affecting around 2-5% of children.
**What causes Febrile Seizures?**
The exact cause of febrile seizures is unknown, but they are thought to be caused by a rapid rise in body temperature, which can trigger abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Febrile seizures are not caused by the fever itself, but rather by the rapid change in temperature that the fever produces.
**What are the Symptoms of Febrile Seizures?**
The symptoms of febrile seizures can vary, but typically include:
* Loss of consciousness
* Stiffening of the body
* Jerking movements of the arms and legs
* Lip smacking
* Eye rolling
* Urinary incontinence
**How are Febrile Seizures Treated?**
Febrile seizures typically do not require treatment, and will stop on their own within a few minutes. However, if a febrile seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, or if the child has multiple seizures in a short period of time, it is important to seek medical attention.
**What is the Outlook for Children with Febrile Seizures?**
The outlook for children with febrile seizures is generally good. Most children will only have one or two febrile seizures, and they will not have any long-term effects. However, children who have a febrile seizure before the age of 12 months, or who have a family history of febrile seizures, are at an increased risk of having additional febrile seizures.
**How can Febrile Seizures be Prevented?**
There is no way to completely prevent febrile seizures, but there are some things that can be done to reduce the risk of a seizure:
* Treat fevers promptly with fever-reducing medication
* Avoid overheating the child
* Use a cool bath or compress to reduce the child’s temperature
* If the child has a history of febrile seizures, talk to the doctor about anticonvulsant medication
Febrile seizures are a common type of seizure in children, and are typically not a cause for concern. However, it is important to be aware of the symptoms of febrile seizures, and to seek medical attention if a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, or if the child has multiple seizures in a short period of time.
Febrile seizures are a common cause of seizures in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. They are usually triggered by a fever and are not usually a sign of a serious underlying condition.