Diseases Procedures
Procedures are essential organizational practices that ensure your business runs smoothly. Our WordPress category offers helpful guides to help you establish procedures in your business and optimize existing ones. From selecting the most effective strategies to setting up the best task protocols, our WordPress resources provide the insight you need to streamline procedures that help you reach success. Discover our step-by-step instructions, tools, templates and tips to automate and optimize tasks, processes and protocols with ease. Get the latest practices and insights into efficient procedures that can optimize organizational performance today.
What is Excision of Nail and Nail Matrix for the Permanent Removal of Ingrown or Deformed Nail: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview The partial or complete excision of nail and nail matrix is a surgical procedure that can be performed for the permanent removal of ingrown or deformed nail. The nail matrix is the layer of cells at the…
What is Eyelid Surgery: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview Eyelid surgery, also known as an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty, is a procedure performed to remove the “bagginess” appearance of the lower eyelids or to get rid of extra skin on the upper eyelids. It is a…
What is Endotracheal Intubation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Endotracheal intubation, which is more commonly referred to as intubation, is a medical procedure wherein a flexible plastic tube is placed into the trachea to provide the patient with an open airway. Endotracheal intubation is a primary…
What is an Eye Emergency Visit: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview An eye emergency visit is an urgent consultation with an eye specialist such as an optometrist or an ophthalmologist with the goal to obtain immediate treatment. Although not all types of eye emergencies require hospitalization or surgery,…
What is Endoscopy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview An endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure used to examine the digestive tract of a patient and, in some cases, apply treatment, if it is already possible. It involves the use of an endoscope, a flexible tube with…
What is Eustachian Tube Dilation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Eustachian tube dilation is a recently developed technique used for the management of Eustachian tube dysfunction. The condition, which affects less than 1% of the population, can lead to cholesteatoma formation and conductive hearing loss, resulting in…
What is Lipoma Excision: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Lipomas are slow-growing tumours that often develop in the subcutaneous tissues. They most commonly form in the head, neck, shoulders, and back and can occur in patients of any age but are more common among older people…
What is an Eye Exam: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview An eye exam is a general term for a range of tests performed to assess eye health. These can range from very simple ones, such as having to read a standard eye chart, to highly complex tests…
What is Excision of Ischial Pressure Ulcer with Ostectomy in Preparation for Muscle or Myocutaneous Flap or Skin Graft Closure: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview An ischial pressure ulcer is a wound that develops on the lower part of the buttocks due to prolonged pressure. The affected area is called the ischium, the curved portion of the pelvic bone, or the bone…
What is Extraperiosteal Pneumonolysis with Filling or Packing Procedure: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Pneumonolysis is a surgical procedure performed to collapse the lungs for the treatment of tuberculosis. During the procedure, the lungs are separated from the pleurae (singular, pleura) causing the lungs to fold. A pleura is a pair…
What is an Endoscopic Ultrasound: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview An endoscopic ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure performed to obtain detailed images of the digestive tract and surrounding organs and tissues to evaluate abnormalities, confirm a diagnosis, or determine the extent of an existing medical problem. Who…
What is Ethmoidectomy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview The ethmoid sinus, which is located near the eyes and nose, is a sinus in the human face. The ethmoid sinuses are paired and are surrounded by several facial bones, namely the lacrimal, frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, and…