Psychosomatic Medicine Follow-Up: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Definition and Overview

Psychosomatic medicine follow-up is a visit to a psychosomatic medicine specialist after the initial consultation.

Psychosomatic disorders are conditions that involve both the body and mind. The latter has a profound effect on the former that it can possibly lead to increased risk of long-term disability and even premature death.

For the past several years, the term psychosomatic has been largely associated with a disease that’s “all in the mind” or imagined illness. However, experts define it as something that is quantifiable, which means that there are test results that can confirm or negate a patient’s psychosomatic signs and symptoms.

Further, psychosomatic disorders are different from somatoform diseases as the latter are more “subjective.” This means that they are perceived by the patient but test results cannot confirm their presence.

To illustrate the differences between the two, a patient who has an increased level of anxiety may experience faster heart rate or blood pressure, which can be confirmed by simple tests. On the other hand, a patient may feel a shoulder pain, but the tests may say that it’s perfectly fine.

It’s essential to know these differences, as treatment and management are also not the same.

Psychosomatic illnesses are believed to be connected with the central nervous system. The body has its own flight-fight response, which determines the level of stress. As the body goes through a stress response, it sends signals to the brain, which may then cause the release of particular hormones that can disrupt regular functions when they become imbalanced or less regulated.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

A psychosomatic follow-up may be recommended if:

  • The patient has been diagnosed with certain medical conditions – Some conditions are believed to be aggravated by psychosomatic tendencies. These include heart disease and psoriasis.

  • The patient is diagnosed with a mental disorder – A psychosomatic illness is heavily influenced by the state of the mind. Thus, if it’s imbalanced or unstable, the likelihood of being psychosomatic also increases.

  • A serious illness has led to a mental disorder – It’s also possible that the situation is the other way around—that is, the knowledge of a serious condition like cancer causes a mental issue like depression, which can have a profound effect on the body. It can cause sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and poor immune system, all of which can worsen the illness or even introduce a new one.

  • The test results corroborate the psychosomatic illness – Many tests can be performed to determine whether the patient is psychosomatic, the results of which may require subsequent follow-up visits.

With consistent psychosomatic follow-up visits, it’s expected that the symptoms are prevented, reduced, or eliminated, thereby reducing the likelihood of more serious outcomes, more so if there’s a preexisting condition.

How Does the Procedure Work?

A patient who may be experiencing a high level of stress may be referred to a doctor and a psychiatrist. The doctor, who could be a general physician, may be helpful in diagnosing or confirming conditions through a series of tests. The expertise of a psychiatrist may be necessary to deal with the mind aspect of the disorder.

During the initial consultation, the patient may be provided with a series of tests or exams, which will be the basis of the treatment plan. Treatments can significantly vary and may involve drugs and therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

The follow-up is then scheduled. The interval is not the same for every patient as the cases can be vastly different. Those who exhibit severe symptoms may need to make follow-ups more often, such as once a week.

During the follow-up, the doctor may:

  • Ask questions about any new or worsening signs and symptoms such as difficulty in breathing or increased anxiety
  • Assess the effectiveness of the treatment
  • Adjust or modify the treatment whenever necessary
  • Conduct tests to measure symptoms
  • Suggest admission when necessary

Possible Risks and Complications

Overall, psychosomatic medicine is complex, particularly since it involves the connection of the mind and body. To treat it, both also have to be dealt with. Not everyone, however, is comfortable dealing with a psychiatrist or a therapist while others may not be entirely convinced that what they are experiencing is only psychosomatic. Both of these may prevent the patient from seeking treatment, more so honor the follow-up.

Regular exams that can establish the connection between the mind and body, as well as a consistent explanation of the condition, may help the patient be more committed to follow-up visits.


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Psychosomatic Medicine Follow-Up: Overview, Benefits, and‌ Expected Results

What is ‌Psychosomatic Medicine?

Psychosomatic medicine, also known as consultation-liaison psychiatry, ⁣is a specialized field of medicine that focuses⁣ on the relationship between⁤ the mind and the body. It underscores how emotional and psychological factors can⁤ impact physical health and vice versa. It is a comprehensive approach that‍ combines elements of ​psychology, psychiatry, and medicine to provide holistic care.

Why is Follow-Up Important in Psychosomatic Medicine?

Follow-up in​ psychosomatic ⁢medicine is a ⁤crucial aspect of patient care. It allows healthcare professionals to monitor⁤ the progress of treatment, assess the ‌effectiveness of interventions, and make ⁤adjustments as needed. Follow-up visits provide⁣ an opportunity⁤ for patients to discuss‌ any concerns, ask questions, and receive additional​ guidance. Regular follow-up appointments contribute‌ to the overall success and improvement⁣ of patients’⁣ physical and mental well-being.

Benefits of Psychosomatic Medicine Follow-Up

1. Continuity of Care: Follow-up appointments ensure a consistent and ongoing‍ relationship between the patient and the ‍healthcare provider. This⁢ continuity of care⁢ fosters trust, enabling patients to open up ​about their concerns and experiences, leading to better treatment outcomes.

2. Treatment Adjustment: Psychosomatic medicine follow-up allows healthcare professionals to assess how ‍well the patient is responding to treatment. By monitoring the ⁣effects, they can ⁣make necessary adjustments to medications, therapy techniques, or lifestyle recommendations to ​optimize⁢ results.

3. Improved Patient Management: Follow-up⁤ visits help in managing chronic conditions or ongoing ⁢mental health concerns. ⁣By tracking progress over time, healthcare providers can ensure that treatment plans are aligned with the patient’s changing needs and adjust accordingly.

4. Emotional Support: Psychosomatic medicine includes‍ a ⁤strong focus on‍ mental health.‍ Regular follow-up visits provide patients with ‌emotional ‌support,​ a safe space to discuss ​their thoughts and emotions, and guidance to effectively cope with stressors ⁤or changes.

5. Preventive Care: Follow-up appointments also contribute ​to preventive care. Healthcare providers can identify​ potential risk factors, provide education and resources, and implement preventive measures⁢ to ‌minimize the‍ impact of psychosomatic conditions ⁢on the patient’s overall ‍health.

Expected Results from Psychosomatic Medicine Follow-Up

The expected results from follow-up appointments ‍in psychosomatic medicine ‍can vary ⁣depending on the individual’s specific condition, treatment plan, and ​adherence. However, here ⁤are some anticipated outcomes:

  • Improved symptom⁢ management

  • Enhanced quality of life

  • Reduced stress and anxiety‍ levels

  • Better coping strategies

  • Increased awareness of​ mind-body connection

  • Increased​ treatment compliance

  • Improved overall physical and mental well-being

Psychosomatic ‌Medicine Follow-Up: What to Expect

During a psychosomatic medicine follow-up appointment, healthcare⁤ professionals will assess various factors relevant to the patient’s well-being. Here’s what to expect:

1. Medical Evaluation: The healthcare provider ​may⁤ conduct a physical examination, review medical tests, and inquire about ‌any new or ongoing physical symptoms. ⁤They will evaluate how these ⁤symptoms relate to the patient’s‌ emotional and psychological state.

2. Mental Health Assessment: The provider⁤ will also evaluate the patient’s mental health, including mood, stress levels, cognitive function, and overall psychological ​well-being. ⁢This assessment helps to identify​ any changes since the last⁢ visit ‌and inform the treatment plan.

3. Treatment Plan Review: The healthcare professional will review​ the existing ​treatment ​plan, discussing‍ its effectiveness, and⁤ any ⁤adjustments that may be required. They will collaborate‍ with the patient to establish shared goals and expectations ​for ⁣further progress.

4. Psychotherapy ​or Counseling: Depending on the patient’s needs, the⁢ follow-up appointment ‌may involve psychotherapy⁣ or ‌counseling sessions. These sessions can help the patient explore‌ emotions, cope with stressors, and develop healthier strategies for managing their condition.

5. Medication Review: If the patient is on medication, the healthcare provider will review its efficacy and potential side effects. Adjustments‌ or‌ changes in⁢ dosage may be recommended to optimize the treatment’s outcomes or manage ‌any adverse effects.

6. Lifestyle Recommendations: The healthcare provider may ​provide guidance on lifestyle modifications that can ​support the patient’s​ well-being. This ‍may include exercise, stress management techniques, sleep hygiene, dietary adjustments, or ‍referrals to other specialists if ‌needed.

7. Goal Setting: Together, the⁤ healthcare provider ‍and the patient will establish realistic goals and a plan for the‍ upcoming period. These goals help to track progress and provide a sense‌ of direction for the patient’s journey towards improved health and well-being.


Psychosomatic medicine follow-up plays a significant role in the comprehensive care of ‍individuals who experience⁤ the interplay‍ between mind and body. Through⁣ regular follow-up appointments, healthcare ​providers can ⁢monitor progress, make necessary adjustments, and provide ‍ongoing support. The benefits of follow-up visits extend to emotional support, preventive care,⁤ and improved symptom ⁣management. By actively‍ participating in ⁣their treatment journey and engaging in regular follow-up,‌ patients can expect to achieve enhanced physical and mental well-being.


  1. Interesting! #psychosomaticmedicine #healthyliving #medicine
    Great summary – thanks for sharing! #psychosomaticmedicine #medicalresearch

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