What is Pulmonary Wedge Resection: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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Definition & Overview

Pulmonary wedge resection is a surgical procedure that removes a small, wedge-shaped section of the lung tissue from one lobe of the lungs. It is commonly performed to remove a portion of the lung that contains cancerous cells, along with surrounding nearby healthy tissue.

The lungs are the main organs through which we breathe. They are responsible for transporting much-needed oxygen into the blood, and removing waste carbon dioxide from the bloodstream. They are located on both sides of the heart and are protected by the chest cavity. The left lung has two lobes, while the right lung has three. Lung disease, such as cancer or tumour growth, can undermine the important function of the lungs. When the entire lobe of either lung has to be removed along with these abnormal structures (through lobectomy), a significant reduction in lung function occurs and breathing may be compromised.

Wedge resection of the lung is an alternative to lobectomy (complete removal of a lung lobe) and aims to conserve part of the affected lobe.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Lung resection is performed in patients with lung cancer or lung disease. In many cases, especially when the disease or tumour is discovered early, wedge resection can provide a complete cure for the condition. It is most effective when performed in early stage lung cancer, and is also a routine procedure to remove a section of the lung if cancer is suspected (but yet to be confirmed).

In particular, pulmonary wedge resection is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Early stage lung cancer that is confined locally to the tissue lining the airways (and have yet to involve nearby lung tissue)
  • Tumour localised at the sides of the lungs
  • Lung nodules and lesions present in localised area of the lung
  • Tuberculosis (lung infection) that is untreatable with medication and other interventions

How is the Procedure Performed?

Pulmonary wedge resection is performed under general anaesthesia. Before the procedure, patients are instructed to avoid eating or drinking the night before, and to stop smoking at least two to three weeks prior to surgery.

The procedure can be performed in two ways: through traditional open surgery or a more advanced minimally invasive surgical technique.

  • Open surgery: In this procedure, the surgeon creates a long incision in between the ribs, as well as incisions under the armpit and on the side of the affected lung.

  • Minimally invasive video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS): With VATS, the surgeon makes 2-3 small incisions in the chest region through which the chest cavity is viewed and accessed. Special surgical instruments are inserted through these incisions as wedge resection is performed. Minimally invasive VATS can reduce the duration of hospital stay, as well as lessen post-operative pain, recovery time, the risk of nerve damage, and infection risk.

In both cases, the lungs have to be temporarily collapsed while a certain portion of the organ is removed. After resection is completed, the incisions are stitched or sutured. A tube is also inserted into the chest cavity to drain fluids. The chest tube is usually maintained for several days until the incisions are healed.

After the procedure, patients are closely monitored for a few days (2-3 days for VATS and 5-7 days for open surgery). Pain medicines are usually administered, and a ventilator is used to help patients breathe. When the ventilator is no longer necessary, patients are guided in restoring normal lung function (i.e. proper breathing, coughing, and breathing exercises).

When used as treatment for lung cancer, wedge resection is often performed in conjunction with other cancer treatment including chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

Possible Risks and Complications

Risks and complications of pulmonary wedge resection can be reduced with technologically advanced video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. However, although reduced, complications may still occur, as such is the case in just about any surgical procedure. Among rare complications that can occur are:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Unwanted reaction to anaesthesia applied
  • Air leakage due to injury incurred in the pleura (in between the lungs and chest cavity)
  • Intercostal nerve damage
  • Infection in the pleura, or in between lung linings
  • Infection in the incisions made
  • Residual air space, which occurs when a big portion of the lung is removed
  • Respiratory failure in those with compromised lung function
  • Abnormal heart rhythms, or heart attack

Patients must call the attention of the doctor should the following symptoms develop:

  • Increased pain, redness or swelling at the incision site
  • Chest pain
  • Fever and chills
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
  • Pain in the calves (may be linked to abnormal blood clotting)
  • Throwing out of green- or yellow-coloured or blood-tinged sputum

Overall, however, pulmonary wedge resection is a safe, effective, and reliable procedure for removal of lesions and cancerous tumours in localised areas of the lung. It is highly effective in treating early stages of lung cancer and lung disease with good prognosis.


  • Shennib HA, Landreneau R, Mulder DS, Mack M. Video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection of T1 lung cancer in high-risk patients. Ann Surg. 1993 Oct. 218(4):555-8; discussion 558-60.

  • Sakuma T, Sugita M, Sagawa M, Ishigaki M, Toga H. Video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection for pulmonary sequestration. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Nov. 78(5):1844-5.


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What ⁢Is Pulmonary Wedge Resection? Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Pulmonary wedge resection is a surgical procedure where a wedge-shaped section of the lung is removed. This procedure is used to diagnose and treat pulmonary conditions such as lung cancer, pulmonary embolisms,​ and pleural effusions. ⁤It is a minimally invasive procedure with a low complication rate and a short recovery period.

Overview of Pulmonary​ Wedge Resection

Pulmonary wedge resection ‍is a surgical procedure used⁤ to remove a small portion of the lung. It is a less invasive option than a lobectomy, which involves the removal of an entire lobe of the lung. Compared to ‌traditional open-chest⁢ surgery, pulmonary wedge resection⁢ has far fewer risks and complications. The surgery ⁣is performed through a thorascopy, ⁤using several small⁤ incisions to allow the surgeon to insert a camera and instruments into the chest.

During⁢ the procedure, the surgeon⁤ will remove a‌ wedge-shaped section of the affected lung. ​The wedge resection is typically removed⁤ from the ⁤lower lobe and is approximately 2 to 4 centimeters in size. ⁣Upon removal of the tissue, it is sent to a lab ⁣for examination. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours under general‍ anesthesia.

Benefits of Pulmonary Wedge Resection

Pulmonary wedge resection is an effective⁢ and less invasive ⁣way to diagnose and treat various pulmonary ‌conditions. A few of the key​ benefits include:

  • Minimally invasive: ⁢Compared to traditional open-chest surgery, pulmonary wedge resection is minimally invasive and has a low risk of complications. This ⁣makes it a ‍preferred ⁤option ⁢for many patients.

  • Short recovery time: The recovery time for the procedure is typically very short with minimal discomfort. Patients can often return to their normal‍ activities within a few days of the procedure.

  • Accurate diagnosis: With a small wedge resection of the affected tissue, it is possible to‍ accurately diagnose many‍ pulmonary conditions, such as cancer. This helps the doctor formulate the ⁣best treatment plan for the patient.

  • Faster treatment: If a pulmonary condition is diagnosed, the resected tissue can also be used to initiate treatment sooner, ​reducing the chances of the ​disease progressing.

Expected Results of Pulmonary Wedge Resection

The results of the pulmonary wedge resection depend on the underlying condition of the patient, the severity of the disease, and the skill of the​ surgical team. ⁣The main goals of the procedure are to accurately ⁣diagnose the pulmonary condition and initiate any necessary treatment. In most cases, the tissue removed during the procedure is sent to a lab for⁤ further examination.

If the disease is non-cancerous, such as a pulmonary embolism, the‍ patient can ⁤usually expect a complete recovery in a few‍ days.‍ In many cases, the patient ⁣may not‍ need further treatment, as ‌the resected tissue removed any blockages, thus relieving their ⁣symptoms. For cancerous conditions, the result will depend on the⁤ staging​ and prognosis of the tumor. ‌In these cases, a successful resection ​could‍ prolong the life of the patient and reduce further spread of the cancer.


Pulmonary wedge ‍resection is‌ a less invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various pulmonary ​conditions such as ‌lung cancer, pulmonary embolisms, and pleural effusions. It ⁢offers ‍several benefits over traditional open-chest surgery, such as a low‍ risk of complications and a shorter recovery period. The results of the procedure will depend on the underlying condition ​and severity of the disease but can range from a complete recovery to a prolonged life expectancy.

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