What is Pulpectomy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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Definition & Overview

Pulpectomy is a dental procedure that involves removing the whole pulp tissue from the crown down to root of the tooth to treat infection and avoid tooth loss. This typically involves the primary teeth of paediatric patients and is considered part of endodontic treatment. Some dentists refer to this procedure as partial root canal therapy.

The pulp, which is located in the center of the tooth, is made up of odontoblasts (cells that produce dentin and connective tissue) and a network of nerves and blood vessels. Aside from being the source of dentin, the pulp is also responsible for supplying nutrients to the surrounding parts and serves as the source of pain perception in cases of trauma, disease, or pressure to the dentin. When the pulp becomes infected or injured, it can cause a great deal of pain and trauma to the patient.

Pulpectomy should not be confused with pulpotomy, which involves the removal of a part of the pulp to stop the spread of dental caries. Pulpectomy is performed when the pulp tissue has been irreversibly damaged or has undergone necrosis (death of tissue) due to extreme dental caries or trauma.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Pulpectomy is typically performed on children diagnosed with pulpitis exhibiting tissue necrosis or death. Pulpitis is the medical term that refers to the inflammation of the pulp due to bacterial infection secondary to tooth decay, or dental caries. This condition is characterised by throbbing pain and extreme sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures. The procedure is particularly indicated for those with periapical abscess formation or when pus is already present.

Damage to the pulp can be caused by several factors including large dental fillings that are unable to provide enough protection against bacteria and injury to the face that damages the pulp.

Pulpectomy on primary teeth has a high success rate in preventing the spread of bacterial infection and necrosis to nearby teeth. Avoidance of tooth loss is achieved, as well as providing immediate pain relief. It is a standard practice for patients to take some pain medication after the procedure to lessen their discomfort. After the initial procedure, patients are scheduled for several follow-up appointments to fill the canals and encourage normal teeth development. Dentists follow strict protocols to make sure that there is enough space held for permanent teeth when they erupt later on.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Several days before pulpectomy is performed, the patient is prescribed with antibiotic medications to address bacterial infection, especially in cases where abscess has already set in.

The procedure starts with the application of topical anaesthesia to reduce patient discomfort. The dentist then drills a hole into the tooth to access and remove the infected pulp using broaches, a type of barbed dental instrument. The nerve inside the pulp is also drilled out using files. The dentist would typically use files of different sizes to make sure that all debris, as well as all infected tissues, is removed before irrigating the canal using sodium hypochlorite solution or a mixture of sodium hypochlorite with surface modifiers. After irrigation, the root canal and pulp chamber are filled with an inert, non-resorbable material. The tooth is then capped with a crown, which can be temporarily bonded to the underlying structure using dental cement.

Possible Risks and Complications

Pulpectomy is a very straightforward procedure with a low risk of serious complications. However, there are cases that result in the following:

  • Adverse reactions to the applied anesthesia – The application of local anesthetics may numb the lips, tongue, and other nearby tissue but this typically resolves on its own a few hours after the procedure. However, there are rare instances in which the patient develops adverse reactions to the applied anesthesia. Thus, parents are typically asked if their child is allergic to any substances before the procedure is performed.

  • The affected tooth may suffer a fracture and break during the procedure, causing further damage that may lead to tooth loss.

  • Excessive bleeding – This is a possibility especially for patients with pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Infection of the treatment site – This can also occur and may lead to inflammation and further pain for the patient.

  • Some irrigating solution may inadvertently affect the surrounding tissue, leading to pain and edema.

  • Pain – If the dentist fails to remove all necrotic tissue, there is a possibility of pain recurrence and well as the spread of infection to nearby parts.

  • Tooth discoloration – This is a common result of this procedure and is due to the staining of filling materials and cement used.


  • M. A. Marciano, R. Ordinola-Zapata, T. V. R. N. Cunha, M. A. H. Duarte, B. C. Cavenago, R. B. Garcia, C. M. Bramante, N. Bernardineli, I. G. Moraes (April 2011). “Analysis of four gutta-percha techniques used to fill mesial root canals of mandibular molars”. International Endodontic Journal 44: 321–329.

  • Hülsmann M, Hahn W (2000). “Complications during root canal irrigation–literature review and case reports”. Int Endod J (Review) 33 (3): 186–93. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2591.2000.00303.x. PMID 11307434.


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What ‍is Pulpectomy

Pulpectomy is a scientific term referring to the extraction of nerve ⁣pulps within a tooth. It ‌is ⁤also known as pulpal debridement, root canal⁤ therapy, and endodontic ​treatment. This procedure is usually ⁢carried out ​when a ⁢patient ⁣has an injured or infected⁤ tooth. The purpose ​of pulpectomy is‍ to remove tissue ‍including ⁣nerves and blood vessels in the pulp chamber‌ of a ​tooth before restoration of the tooth with a filling or crown.

Overview of Pulpectomy

A pulpectomy is essentially a root canal therapy. This procedure is performed by a dentist or endodontist (root canal ‌specialist). During a pulpectomy, the dentist or ⁣specialist will make an ⁣opening in the top of the tooth. Using tiny tools, they then clean ⁢the​ interior of⁢ the tooth to remove the infected or ‌injured ⁢tissues and any bacteria. Once ⁤this is ‍done,​ they seal off ⁢the chamber to prevent any infection from entering.

Benefits of Pulpectomy

Pulpectomy offers a number of benefits for⁣ anyone who is experiencing dental⁤ issues. The treatment​ helps alleviate existing ⁢pain and discomfort and can help restore ⁤the function of the tooth. Pulpectomy can also protect other teeth ⁤from infection should ‌an infection spread, and ‍help‌ maintain proper oral health.

Expected Results from Pulpectomy

When the pulpectomy procedure is complete,⁢ the patient⁤ can⁤ expect to experience a number‌ of positive ‍results. There should be⁢ an immediate relief from pain and ⁤discomfort in the area. The end result of the procedure ⁤will be a health tooth that is fully functional⁢ and protected against⁤ further infection.

The patient may experience⁣ some‍ mild discomfort after the procedure that can be​ managed with⁣ OTC pain⁢ relievers. It is‌ normal for some bleeding and swelling to occur, and this should subside within a few days. The drainage of any abscesses should cease,⁤ and‌ the restoration of the tooth ‌should be⁣ completed in‌ several weeks.

Risks of Pulpectomy

While pulpectomies are generally considered​ a safe ⁤procedure, there are risks associated with it. Infections⁣ can occur and⁢ can‌ spread to other⁢ teeth if not‌ properly treated. ⁤There is also a small risk ⁤of nerve damage. Furthermore, the‌ complete restoration of the ⁤tooth can take​ some time, and there could be some persistent discomfort as⁢ the process progresses.

In rare cases, the‍ dental restoration may​ not be ‍successful, which could result in more​ complications and⁢ require further treatment. It is important to⁤ discuss all of the potential risks with a dental ⁤specialist ⁢to prevent‌ any adverse reactions from occurring.

Pulpectomy vs. Traditional Root Canal

Pulpectomy and traditional root canal procedures⁢ are similar in the sense that they both involve taking out infected or injured tissue from within a tooth. However, there are important differences that must be taken into account.

Pulpectomy focuses primarily on removing the diseased pulp ‌from the crown of the tooth,‍ while‍ a​ root canal typically requires the ‍removal of the⁤ pulp ⁤from‌ the root and the roots of the tooth. With‍ pulpectomy, a dental crown ⁤can typically be placed right away in order to protect the remaining teeth,‍ whereas a ​traditional root canal usually requires a post or post and core build-up⁢ before ⁤the ‍crown can be inserted.


Pulpectomy is a⁣ procedure that removes infected ⁢or​ injured⁣ tissue from within a tooth ‌in order⁤ to protect‍ the ⁤tooth and maintain proper‍ oral health. It can provide an immediate relief​ from discomfort and can help restore the functionality of the tooth. The‍ procedure ‍can be completed within a few weeks⁢ and offers⁣ many benefits when compared to traditional root ⁢canals. However, there are also risks associated with this treatment, and patients should discuss these with their dentist before proceeding.

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