What is Radiology Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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What is ‌Radiology Consultation? ​Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Radiology consultation is a specialized form ‌of medical advice and assessment given to⁣ patients after a series of imaging tests – such as X-ray, CT, and MRI scans – have been completed. Radiologists, and other‍ healthcare professionals, may issue these consultations to patients in order to confirm a diagnosis, suggest further medical treatment or to provide assistance in life-saving situations.

The Role of a ​Radiologist

Radiology is a medical specialty which ⁢deals with imaging tests of the body and the ‍interpretation of these tests. A radiologist is a medical doctor who is specially trained and certified to interpret these tests.

Radiologists are ‌often also‌ responsible ⁢for⁤ obtaining⁣ and administering the tests that are necessary for diagnosis, helping to guide physicians in their treatment plans, and providing valuable advice‍ on⁣ the best treatment options for patients.

Types of Radiology Tests

Patients usually receive radiology consultations after imaging⁣ tests ⁢such as X-ray, CT,⁢ and MRI scans have been completed. An X-Ray is a type of diagnostic imaging test that takes an X-Ray photograph of the body in order to look for any abnormal conditions which may be present. CT scans are computerized tomography scans that provide ​detailed images of the body’s internal organs. An MRI is short for‌ magnetic resonance imaging which is a non-invasive scan that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce ​detailed images of the body’s⁤ internal⁢ tissues.

The⁢ Benefits of Radiology Consultation

Detailed Diagnosis

Radiology⁢ consultants provide detailed and ⁣accurate ​diagnoses, allowing⁣ physicians to quickly begin treatment. With rapid access to this information,⁤ a patient’s condition can be diagnosed promptly and accurately.

Early Intervention

By providing an accurate diagnosis of a patient’s condition, a radiology consultant can recommend the ​most‍ effective treatment plans or alternatives to help lower‍ the risk of complications and potentially life-threatening conditions.

Information & Education

Radiology consultations are often an ⁤excellent source of health information and education. Radiologists can ‌explain the results of the‍ imaging tests, offer advice on further medical treatment, and provide an overall evaluation of⁢ a patient’s condition.

Expected Results of Radiology​ Consultation

Radiology consultations can help to diagnose a medical condition, reduce patient discomfort, and provide relevant medical advice and information. After a patient has received a radiology consultation, the patient should expect to have a⁢ better understanding of their condition⁣ and the treatment options⁣ available. ⁣

Obtaining Treatment‌ Plans

A radiology consultant can guide a patient on the treatment options available and which may be best ​suited for the patient’s condition. Treatment plans ⁢will vary ​from patient to patient depending on the severity and type of condition.

Understanding Medical Conditions

Most patients do not fully understand their medical condition⁢ prior⁤ to‌ a⁢ radiology consultation. During‌ a consultation, the patient will​ be able‌ to ask questions and obtain ⁢a better understanding of their medical condition, including‍ symptoms, causes, and treatments.

Access to Resources

Radiology consultations can provide ​access to valuable resources, such as ‌support groups, further medical information, and recommended specialists who can⁤ provide additional ⁢advice and treatment.


Radiology consultation is‌ a specialized form of medical advice and⁤ assessment given‌ to patients ‍after a series of imaging tests have been⁢ completed. Radiologists, and other healthcare professionals, may issue ⁤these consultations to provide an ⁤accurate diagnosis, suggest further ‍medical treatment, ‌and offer valuable health information and education.‌ By ⁢providing this type of ⁤advice, a⁢ radiology consultant⁢ can help to ensure that a patient receives the best possible ‍treatment for their condition. After a patient has received a radiology consultation, the patient should expect to have a⁤ better understanding of their medical condition and treatment options.

Definition and Overview

Radiology is a branch of medicine that is involved in the use of imaging technology, which plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases.

A radiology consultation is an appointment with a radiologist to obtain his opinion about a patient’s condition and the best possible treatment. It is usually requested by the patient’s attending physician when important information is required to make an accurate diagnosis or when the patient requires an explanation as to how the scans can contribute to the treatment of his condition.

Radiology appointments do not always occur between a patient and a radiologist. In several cases, the meeting occurs between the two medical professionals to help the primary doctor determine the next medical intervention for the patient. In fact, in the past, it is usually the physician who meets with the radiologist. It is only recently that the number of patient consultations received by radiologists has increased.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

A radiology consultation makes a significant contribution to a patient’s overall treatment program. There are two types of radiology procedures that are performed. These are:

  • Diagnostic radiology – this refers to radiologic scans that are used to detect any abnormalities and obtain specific clues as to what causes the patient’s symptoms. In other cases, diagnostic radiology is performed to confirm a suspected diagnosis. These scans offer crucial information, which is crucial in identifying the best treatment method for the patient. Screening tests to assess a patient’s risk of a particular disease also falls under diagnostic radiology.

  • Interventional radiology – Interventional radiology scans are used to:

  • Assess or monitor the patient’s condition or progress during treatments
  • Guide procedures

The use of radiology in guiding medical procedures allow doctors and surgeons to treat conditions using minimally invasive techniques, wherein procedures are performed using only small incisions or cuts. Guided by the images provided by radiology, doctors insert catheters, wires, a scope (camera), and other small tools that will guide them to the specific body part, and perform the actual procedure without the need for open surgery. These new waves of radiology-guided medical procedures allow patients to undergo surgery with minimal pain and bleeding as well as a shorter recovery time.

There are several types of medical imaging scans that are currently in use, and radiologists are trained in every one of them. These include:

  • X-rays
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Mammography
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Nuclear medicine tests
  • Bone scans
  • Thyroid scans
  • Thallium cardiac stress test

These tests can help diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases, including:

How the Procedure is Done?

A radiology consultation begins with a request from a physician to consult a radiologist either for diagnostic or interventional purposes. If necessary, the physician himself will schedule an appointment with a radiologist.

In a diagnostic radiology consultation, the radiologist will be presented with all the information regarding the patient’s condition, particularly the symptoms being experienced. The radiologist will then recommend the most appropriate imaging scans in order to come up with an accurate diagnosis.

In an interventional radiology consultation, the physician and radiologist will discuss how imaging scans can be used to guide the surgeon during a medical procedure and what kind of scan will be most effective.

Despite the significant contribution they make at various stages of a patient’s medical care process, radiologists cannot treat patients by themselves. Their contribution is always presided by the primary physician attending to the case. Still, they can do patient consultations without a physician present. These consultations are often requested by patients who wish to obtain a second opinion or a different professional perspective about their conditions.

Possible Risks and Complications

Since radiology consultations are only initial discussions wherein possible imaging scans are discussed and planned, there are no risks involved.

In fact, this type of consultation plays an important role in protecting patients from the various risks involved in radiology scans. While scans are helpful in diagnosing and treating diseases, patients and physicians still need to be aware of the risks involved in these tests, and only a radiologist can provide complete information about this.

The main risk involved in radiology scans has to do with the effects of radiation on the body, particularly its tendency to damage healthy nerve cells and small blood vessels, which can lead to other potential complications. The faster cells divide and reproduce, the more likely they are to suffer from the effects of radiation, even at low levels. This risk, however, can be avoided by controlling the amount of radiation used in the scans. Some of the risks or possible side effects include:

  • Hair loss – Commonly occurs due to exposure to 200 rems of radiation

  • Heart problems – More likely with intense exposure to 1,000 to 5,000 rems of radioactive material

  • Seizures – Occurs when brain cells are damaged by radiation, which is only likely when as much as 5,000 rems of radioactive material is used

  • Reduced blood lymphocyte cells – Occurs when 100 rems of radioactive material is used, which leads to increased susceptibility to infections, increased risk of lymphoma or leukemia, and flu-like symptoms that can persist for as long as 10 years

  • Infertility – Can occur with as low as 200 rems of radioactive material

  • Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract – Typically occurs when 200 rems of radioactive material is used; this can lead to:

  • Nausea
  • Bloody vomit
  • Diarrhea

Other risks have to do with the:

  • Correct method of performing the scans
  • Accurate interpretation of scan results

Because of risks and possible complications, it is important that radiology consultations involve a discussion about how these risks can be avoided for the safety and protection of the patient.

  • Zemen EM, Schreiber EC, Tepper JE. Basics of radiation therapy. In: Niederhuber JE, Armitage JO, Doroshow JH, et al., eds. Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2013:chap 27.

  • National Cancer Institute. Radiation therapy and you: support for people who have cancer. Available at: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/coping/radiation-therapy-and-you. Accessed May 29, 2014.


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  1. Very informative! #radiologyconsultation #overview #benefits #expectedresults

    OMG, so helpful! #radiologyconsultation

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