What is Retinal Detachment: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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What is ⁤Retinal⁣ Detachment?

Retinal detachment⁣ is a serious medical condition that affects your vision and requires⁢ prompt diagnosis ⁤and treatment. It occurs when the retina, the light-sensitive ⁤lining at the back ‍of your eye, is pulled away from‌ its underlying supportive tissue.

In some cases, retinal detachment can cause blindness if it’s not detected and treated quickly. In the United States,⁣ more than 50,000 cases of retinal detachment ‍occur each year.

Symptoms of​ Retinal⁤ Detachment

The​ main symptom ⁤of ‌retinal detachment is ‌the sudden appearance of flashes of light or floating spots that look⁤ like ⁢strings and wiggly‌ lines in your field of vision. You may also experience blurred vision, or a shadow or curtain in your vision.

Causes of Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment‍ occurs when the vitreous gel that occupies the center of the eye shrinks and begins to pull away from the retina. This pulling action can lead to a tear ⁣in the retina. The ‍tear allows fluid to accumulate and separate the retina from the back of the eye.‌

Certain factors can increase your risk of developing retinal detachment, including a ‍family history of the condition, nearsightedness, eye injury, certain⁤ eye diseases such‌ as ⁣diabetic‍ retinopathy, and certain surgeries such as cataract surgery.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Retinal Detachment

A comprehensive eye exam is ​the only way to properly diagnose retinal detachment.​ During an​ eye exam, ‌your doctor will dilate your pupils and use a special⁣ device called an ophthalmoscope to see the back of your ⁣eye.

If your ‌doctor⁣ suspects retinal detachment, they‌ may also perform an ultrasound imaging⁤ test and a visual field test.

Treatment for retinal detachment largely⁣ depends on the extent and severity⁤ of the condition. If the detachment is caught early, laser surgery or cryopexy​ (freezing of the⁣ retina) may be performed. If the condition ‍is more advanced, vitrectomy surgery may be necessary. During the surgery, the vitreous‍ gel is removed and ⁣replaced with a gas or silicone ⁢oil. This allows the retina to settle back in⁢ its proper position.⁤

If you ⁣experience any symptoms of retinal detachment, it’s important⁣ to seek​ medical attention right away, as delaying treatment may lead ​to permanent vision impairment.

Benefits of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Retinal Detachment

Early diagnosis and treatment of retinal detachment⁣ can help reduce the chance of vision impairment or blindness. Surgery can be‍ used to reattach the retina to the wall‌ of the ​eye and restore vision.

Retinal detachment repair surgery is very effective. Up to 90 percent of cases‌ can be⁤ successfully treated. Treatment can improve vision⁣ in as ‍little as one to two weeks.

Retinal‍ Detachment: Practical Tips

If you have any risk factors for retinal detachment, such as ‌a family history, ⁤nearsightedness, or certain surgeries, it’s important to undergo regular eye exams. Talk to your doctor about scheduling regular eye exams.

If you notice any sudden changes in your vision, such as flashes of light, floaters, and blurred ⁤vision, don’t ignore​ the symptoms. Schedule an‌ appointment with your doctor ​as soon as possible. ‌

Retinal Detachment: First-Hand Experiences

“I was diagnosed with retinal detachment in my left eye about a year ago. I started noticing some⁢ flashes of light ⁢in my vision and decided to get it checked​ out. Turns ⁤out, ⁣I had a tear⁢ in my ​retina that ⁣was causing fluid to accumulate and separate my retina from the wall of my eye.

My doctor recommended surgery right away. After ​the surgery, I had to wear an eye patch and was in a lot of pain, but within a ⁤couple of weeks, the retina reattached and​ my vision improved.‌ Now I’m feeling better and can see normally again.”

“I was ⁤really scared when ‌I ⁢first heard ⁣that I had ‌retinal detachment. To be honest, my vision had been deteriorating for​ a few weeks ‌and ⁢I had just been‍ ignoring ⁢the symptoms. ⁢Fortunately, my doctor was able to diagnose my condition pretty quickly and recommended that I get surgery.

It was‍ a pretty extensive procedure, but it⁤ was successful and now⁢ I ⁣have better vision than I ⁣did before. I’m so grateful that I finally took the time to get it checked out.”

Definition & Overview

The retina is a thin layer of tissue inside the eye that receives and converts light from the lens into signals that are transmitted to the brain. Retinal detachment is a serious condition wherein the retina is moved from its proper position. When this happens, the retina no longer receives the ideal amount of oxygen it needs to function.

It’s imperative that a patient with retinal detachment receives prompt treatment for the condition to prevent it from worsening. If the condition is left untreated, it will likely result in total loss of vision in the affected eye.

In most cases, retinal detachment begins as a retinal tear. The signs and symptoms of a retinal tear are clear, which is why there should be enough time for an ophthalmologist to apply treatment before it turns into a full-blown retinal detachment case.

Cause of Condition

Retinal detachment begins with a small tear or hole called a retinal tear. Fluid inside the vitreous passes through that tear and builds up underneath the retina. Eventually, the fluid forces the retina away from the blood vessels that supply it with oxygen.

Retinal tears can be caused by an injury, advanced diabetes, or inflammation within the eye. It’s important to note that inflammation disorders of the eye can also cause a fluid buildup without leading to a retinal tear. This will also result in retinal detachment.

The normal aging process can also cause retinal tears. As a person ages, the vitreous begins to shrink resulting in a common condition called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), also referred to as a vitreous collapse.

When the vitreous shrinks, it begins to separate from the retina causing a tear. The vitreous fluid will then pass through that tear and eventually cause retinal detachment.

Retinal detachment can happen to anybody of any age, but it is more common in people over the age of 40. Those who have extreme myopia, have previously undergone eye surgery, or have experienced retinal detachment in one eye are more prone to the condition. Severe eye injury or trauma, eye disorders, and a family history of retinal detachment also increase the risk of the condition.

Key Symptoms

Recognizing the signs of retinal detachment is the key to preventing the condition from progressing. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to identify the symptoms. The most common are flashes of light in the affected eye, the appearance of floaters (small spots that affect vision), or vision beginning to blur in the affected area.

When these signs and symptoms appear, it’s imperative that you consult your ophthalmologist for immediate treatment. If the condition progresses, it’s likely that you’ll lose vision in the affected eye.

Who to See & Types of Treatment Available

Ophthalmologists are eye doctors who are qualified to perform eye surgeries, such as cataract removal and treatment for retinal detachment. The doctor will diagnose your condition by performing tests, such as ultrasonography or by using an ophthalmoscope.

An ophthalmoscope is an instrument that uses a bright light and a special lens. It provides a 3D image of the inside of the eye, which allows the doctor to view any holes or tears in the retina, or if the retina has been detached.

In ultrasonography, a device uses sound waves that are directed into the eye. A computer will then track the movement of the sound waves as this travel in the eye to create an image.

If the doctor confirms the presence of a retinal tear or retinal detachment, a treatment plan will be promptly formulated.

Surgery is the primary form of treatment for retinal detachment or retinal tear. If the tear has not progressed into retinal detachment, the doctor may opt to perform laser surgery or a procedure called freezing.

Laser surgery, also referred to as photocoagulation, involves using a laser to burn the retinal tear and create the scar to close the tear. The freezing process, called retinal cryopexy, involves using a freezing probe to freeze the tear and create a scar.

It will take time for the above procedures to take full effect. During this period, patients will be advised to avoid any strenuous activities.

If the retina has already detached, the doctor will perform other procedures, such as pneumatic retinopexy, sclera buckling, or vitrectomy.

Pneumatic retinopexy involves injecting gas or air into the eye so that it forms a bubble. The bubble will then move towards the tear and effectively seal it, preventing more fluid from leaking. In time, the tear will heal and the bubble will be absorbed. The fluid that has already collected underneath the retina will also be absorbed allowing the retina to reattach itself.

In a scleral buckling procedure, the surgeon attaches a rubber silicone to the sclera over the retinal tear. The surgeon may also use a sponge instead of silicone. The material will then create an indentation to relieve the pressure. If there are multiple tears, the material will be attached around the sclera to form a belt, which will remain in place for the rest of the patient’s life.

In a vitrectomy, fluids and other tissues that are pulling the retina are drained. Gas or air is then used to attach the retina into place. In some cases, the surgeon may opt to use silicone oil instead. Unlike gas or air, which will be absorbed by the eye, silicone oil needs to be removed after several months.

It’s important to understand that surgical procedures to reattach the retina are not guaranteed to work. There is a possibility that the procedure may fail. If the procedure does succeed, there is also a possibility that vision will not be restored to normal conditions. There is also a possibility that vision may not be restored at all.

If the procedure is successful, it will take several months before the results are noticeable. During this waiting period, your vision will still be affected. Depending on the degree of vision loss, you’ll need help in coping with your condition while you’re waiting for your vision to improve. It’s important to avoid any further eye surgeries at this point, so make sure that your home is safe or that you have somebody to help you.


  • American Academy of Ophthalmology Retina Panel. Preferred Practice Pattern Guidelines. Posterior vitreous detachment, retinal breaks, and lattic degeneration. San Francisco, Ca: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2013. Accessed August 29, 2013.

  • Connolly BP, Regillo CD. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Duane’s Ophthalmology on DVD-ROM – 2013 Edition. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013: vol 3, chap 27.

  • Wolfe JD, Williams GA. Techniques of scleral buckling. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Duane’s Ophthalmology on DVD-ROM – 2013 Edition. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013: vol 6, chap 59.


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