What is Zygoma Reduction: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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What is Zygoma Reduction: Overview, Benefits, and Expected ⁣Results

Zygoma reduction is a ​surgical procedure used‌ to reduce⁢ the size of the zygoma, the cheekbone. This procedure is typically performed for aesthetic ​purposes, giving the face a more balanced look and proportionate facial features. It can also be done to⁤ correct⁣ any abnormalities of the zygoma or to⁢ reduce the size of the zygoma if it is too⁤ large. In some cases,⁢ zygoma⁢ reduction may also ⁢be used to improve breathing difficulties or sinus congestion.

Overview of the ‍Procedure

Zygoma reduction is a form of cosmetic surgery that⁣ may be⁣ performed on either men or ⁤women. The procedure involves the removal of ‍part of the bone and sometimes cartilage‌ of the cheek in order to reduce the size of the zygoma. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision in the cheek in order to access the underlying​ bone and tissue. The surgeon ⁣will then carefully sculpt the zygoma, removing any‍ excess bone or cartilage,‍ and reshaping it for a more ⁣proportionate, balanced look. The incision is usually made inside the ⁣mouth⁢ in order‍ to⁤ reduce scarring and provide for a faster⁤ healing time.

Benefits of Zygoma Reduction

There are several benefits ⁤of zygoma reduction, including:

  • Aesthetic improvement: The procedure can‌ provide a more balanced look to the‍ face, by reducing the size‍ of⁢ the zygoma to be proportionate with other facial features. In some cases, the ⁢procedure can also correct any asymmetries of the zygoma.

  • Better breathing: In addition to ​providing aesthetic improvement, zygoma reduction can also alleviate any difficulty in breathing or sinus congestion.

  • Minimal downtime: This procedure typically ‍requires​ a shorter ⁤recovery time⁣ than⁤ most⁤ other facial ⁣contouring procedures.

Expected Results

The results of zygoma reduction vary on a case-by-case ⁣basis. In general, most patients can expect their facial contours to look more proportionate and balanced. This​ procedure can also provide more facial space to⁢ accommodate a patient’s other facial features, such‍ as the‍ eyes or nose. The results should be immediate and long-lasting.‌ While the procedure does not involve any changes to the‍ tissue or muscles of the face, there may be some minor swelling and bruising after the procedure, which usually subsides after a few days.⁤

Risks and ​Complications

As with any surgical procedure, zygoma reduction may be associated with certain risks and complications, including:

  • Infection or bleeding: Infection and/or bleeding may occur during or after the procedure. This risk can be minimized by⁣ following post-operative instructions carefully.

  • Scarring: ⁢Scarring ⁤is possible with this procedure, which may⁣ be visible on the surface of the skin around the incision. It is important to keep the incision clean and dry in order‌ to avoid any complications.

  • Changes in sensation: There is a possibility ‌of temporary or‍ permanent ⁣changes in sensation in the area where the incision ‌was made. This ⁢may resolve on its own over⁤ time as the incision heals.

  • Unfavorable results: As with ‍any surgical procedure, it is ‍possible for the results of zygoma reduction to be unsatisfactory.

Any potential risks and complications ‌should be discussed with a medical professional prior to any surgery.

Cost of Zygoma Reduction

The ‌cost of zygoma reduction typically varies ⁢depending on a patient’s specific ‌needs‌ and the facility where the surgery is being performed. In⁢ general, the procedure can cost anywhere between $2,500 and $7,000. Insurance does not typically cover the procedure since it is considered a cosmetic or elective ​procedure. It is important to inquire with a medical‌ professional ⁢regarding the cost of ⁤the procedure in order to determine whether or not it is a‍ viable ⁤option.


Overall, zygoma reduction can provide patients with a more balanced and proportionate look to their face. The procedure ⁢is typically done for aesthetic purposes, but it can also provide some other benefits, such as improved ⁤breathing or better‍ facial space. The procedure involves the removal of part⁤ of the bone and sometimes ⁢cartilage of the‍ cheek in order to reduce the size of the ‌zygoma. It ⁣is important to discuss any potential risks and complications ⁤with a ​medical professional prior to any surgery. The cost of the procedure varies greatly, but can range​ from $2,500-$7,000. Ultimately, zygoma reduction can‍ help to improve one’s ‍self-confidence ⁤and achieve a more desirable facial appearance.

Definition & Overview

A zygoma reduction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces the size of the zygoma or the cheekbones. It is the more advanced version of traditional jaw and chin procedures and generally involves fracturing, trimming, and rotating the cheekbone to remove or correct bone protrusions that create a strong or harsh appearance.

The procedure is widely popular in East Asian countries, where strong zygoma features are prevalent. It has high satisfaction rating despite the existence of some surgical risks.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Patients who can benefit from a zygoma reduction are those who:

  • Have excessively prominent front cheekbones
  • Have wide cheekbones that make their face look too wide
  • Have disproportionate or unbalanced facial contour
  • Have a sunken area under the cheekbones, causing a hollow appearance

As for the expected results, the procedure can remove or correct bone protrusions making the facial line look sleeker, slimmer, and softer.

By reducing the size of the face in general, the procedure can also make a person’s facial features look more well-defined. For most patients, the results of the procedure make them look more attractive.

How is the Procedure Performed?

A zygoma reduction is performed under general anaesthesia and takes about three hours.

It requires patients to fast for at least 8 hours prior to the procedure. As part of the pre-surgery preparation, an x-ray examination is carried out to accurately determine the shape of the maxilla and mandibular bones as well as the locations of the nerves in the area.

Two incisions, one inside the mouth and the other inside the temporal area, are then made to access the cheekbone. The frontal and rear parts of the bone are then fractured to weakened the bone so it can be easily pushed inwards from the front and the side, and reduce its outward protrusion. If necessary, the surgeon may also cut off a portion of the zygoma bone’s body to make it L-shaped. The remaining zygoma bone is then rotated in a 3-dimensional manner.

The procedure can also be performed on the zygoma arch or the bow-shaped lateral aspect of the cheekbone. A protruding zygoma arch can make the face seem wider than it actually is. To reduce the arch, the surgery can be performed using the scalp approach, where the incision is made either above or in front of the ear. This gives the surgeon access to the arch and the body of the cheekbone making it easier to rotate the bone inwards.

In some cases wherein both the zygoma body and the arch need to be adjusted, the surgery will combine both techniques.

The zygoma bone is then fixated with screws once placed in the desired position to prevent bone movements. Drains are placed to avoid fluid build-up in the surgical area and are removed the next day. The incisions are then closed with sutures.

After the procedure, patients are required to stay in the hospital overnight for monitoring purposes. Any stitches made during the procedure will be removed after approximately two weeks or when the surgical site has adequately healed.

During the first three days following the procedure, patients are required to wear a compression bandage over the surgical area at all times. For the next 1 to 2 weeks, they are only required to put it on when at home.

Possible Risks and Complications

Zygoma reduction, like other facial reduction procedures, does involve certain risks, including common surgical risks as well as risks unique to the procedure.

Common surgical risks include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clot
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Injury to the surrounding muscles, bones, nerves, or blood vessels
  • Allergic reactions to the anaesthetics used

Risks unique to a zygoma reduction (or closely similar) procedure include:

  • Changes or decrease in skin sensation over the surgical area, which may or may not be temporary
  • Asymmetry between the two cheekbones
  • Body contour irregularity
  • Tightness in opening the mouth
  • Bone disunion of the zygomatic arch
  • Weakening of the zygomatic bone
  • Zygomatic bone and arch defect or displacement after surgery

These risks may or may not require revision surgery.

On top of these risks, patients can also expect to experience post-operative pain around the cheeks. To help with the pain as well as to prevent an infection, oral antibiotics and analgesics are typically prescribed. Patients are given strict instructions on post-operative care, including required head elevation when sleeping during the first four weeks following the procedure.

Since the incision is intraoral, patients are also taught on how to wash and clean their mouths to prevent an infection from developing.


  • Kim SR, Park JH, Han YS, Ye BJ. “A survey of patient satisfaction after treating zygomatic complex fractures using a coronal approach.” Korean Cleft Palate Craniofac Assoc. 2011 Apr;12(1):17-21. http://www.koreamed.org/SearchBasic.php?RID=0099JKCPCA%2F2011.12.1.17&DT=1

  • Zou C., Niu F., Yu B., Liu J., Gui L. “Zygomatic complex change after reduction malarplasty and its geometric model: A retrospective clinical study.” Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015 November; 73(11): 2196-2206. http://www.joms.org/article/S0278-2391(15)00360-2/references


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  1. Very informative. #zymogareduction #orthodontics #dentalcare
    Awesome! Thanks for the helpful information! #zygoma #benefits #orthodontics

  2. Very informative. #zymogareduction #orthodontics #dentalcare Awesome! Thanks for the helpful information! #zygoma #benefits #orthodontics This is great for people considering the procedure! #orthodontics #dentalcare #zygomareduction

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