What is IBD Diet Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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Definition and Overview

An IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) diet consultation is a discussion with an IBD expert about the patient’s food, nutrition, and, to a certain extent, lifestyle, with the hope of reducing symptoms, managing the condition and treating the disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) commonly refers to two types of conditions that affect the gastrointestinal tract. These are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which are both chronic disorders.

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the lining of the large intestine or the colon. It is characterized by the overreaction of the body’s immune system, which mistakes the bacteria and food present as threats. In the process, the immune activity causes inflammation and ulceration or lesions on the lining, which can be filled with pus.

Crohn’s disease, on the other hand, has a much bigger coverage as it can affect any part of the digestive tract including the mouth and anus while the inflammation can penetrate different walls of the bowel.

Nevertheless, both can share similar symptoms such as rectal bleeding, persistent diarrhea, or urgent bowel movement with loose or watery stool, abdominal pain or cramp, bloody stool, weight loss, fatigue, hormone imbalance and loss of appetite.

IBD can be treated in many ways including surgery and medication. However, nutrition also plays a huge role as certain types of food and drink can trigger more inflammation, worsening the symptoms or even the condition.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

IBD diet is recommended for those:

  • Who are diagnosed with IBD – It’s essential that the patient is officially diagnosed with IBD since the symptoms can mimic other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or even colon cancer. A gastroenterologist is the best person to diagnose IBD since he is an expert in the digestive tract.

  • Who have worsening symptoms – Symptoms are not only cumbersome or embarrassing, but they can also generally affect the patient’s overall quality of life and introduce life-threatening situations. For instance, constant diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which may then cause organ failure They can also interfere with the daily activities of the patient, including work.

  • Whose current diet is not working – It’s possible that the patient has already been provided with an IBD diet but such proves to be ineffective. The patient may request for a modification or look for another food expert who can create a new and hopefully more effective diet plan.

  • Who require more help in lifestyle change – An IBD patient needs a complete balance of nutrition and avoidance of smoking, alcohol and certain types of drugs to decrease further inflammation. An IBD diet expert can also provide counseling to help the patient cope and follow the needed lifestyle changes.

  • Who have gone through surgery – In certain cases, surgery seems to be the viable option for the patient, particularly if the gastrointestinal tract is already significantly damaged. A good diet can be a complement to prevent complications.

How Does the Procedure Work?

An IBD patient may undergo diet consultation once he is diagnosed with the condition. He is often referred by the doctor who has made the diagnosis, although the same doctor can also provide the diet plan if he has the knowledge, skill and expertise in the field.

During the consultation, the food expert, who can also be a dietitian or a nutritionist, revisits the patient’s diagnosis through his medical records and family history. He may also ask the patient about his overall health condition, symptoms, medications and other treatment modalities and the doctor’s prognosis.

The food expert then analyzes the food and dietary plan of the patient. The main goal of the IBD diet is not to reject certain food groups unless there’s a preexisting illness that makes it necessary, but to combine them in the right amounts so the patient will receive his much-needed nutrition while minimizing symptoms and need for more treatment like medications.

The diet plan is highly customized for the patient. It may include a set of menu to be followed for a particular period or a list of food and drinks that can be consumed in moderate or very little amounts.

More consultations and follow-ups will be scheduled to keep track of the patient’s response to the IBD diet, which can be modified or changed entirely when needed.

Possible Risks and Complications

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no scientific evidence that suggests some of the food groups make IBD worse and thus must be avoided at all costs. However, some patients may decide to do so, which may only result in a more serious case of malnutrition. Patients may also have a hard time following the dietary recommendations.


  • Lichenstein GR. Inflammatory bowel disease. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 143.


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**What is IBD Diet Consultation: ​Overview, Benefits, and‌ Expected Results**


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a ‌chronic condition that affects⁢ the digestive tract. Symptoms of IBD​ can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight⁣ loss, and fatigue. There is no cure for IBD, ⁣but diet can play a significant role in managing ​symptoms and improving quality‌ of life.

An‌ IBD diet‍ consultation with a registered dietitian can help individuals with ⁢IBD⁢ develop a personalized diet plan that meets their specific needs. Dietitians can assess an ​individual’s ⁢dietary intake, identify potential trigger foods, and recommend strategies to manage IBD symptoms.


There ⁤are many benefits ​to following an IBD diet consultation, including:

* Reduced symptoms: A diet tailored to an individual’s specific needs​ can help reduce ‍symptoms such ⁤as‍ abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating.

* Improved quality of ‍life: By managing symptoms, an IBD diet can improve overall quality of ‍life ⁤and allow individuals to participate in more activities.

* Reduced risk of complications: A healthy diet ​can help reduce ⁣the risk of developing complications from IBD,‍ such as malnutrition, weight loss, and colon cancer.

*‌ Personalized approach: Dietitians provide⁤ personalized recommendations based on‌ an ⁢individual’s dietary intake, symptoms, and preferences.

**Expected Results**

The expected results of an IBD diet ⁣consultation vary depending on the individual’s⁣ specific needs⁤ and adherence to the plan. However, in general, individuals can​ expect to see improvements in their symptoms, quality ⁤of life, and overall health.

Some of the expected results of an IBD ⁣diet consultation include:

* Reduced abdominal ⁢pain

* Less ⁤frequent diarrhea

* Improved digestion

* Increased energy levels

* Weight gain or maintenance

* Improved overall well-being


An IBD diet consultation with a‍ registered dietitian can be a valuable tool for individuals with IBD. Dietitians can​ help develop a personalized ⁤diet plan⁣ that meets an individual’s⁣ specific needs, reduce symptoms, and improve overall health and well-being.


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