What is Radical Resection of Bone Tumours: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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Definition & Overview

Radical resection of bone tumours is the surgical method of treating malignant bone growth by removing a large section of the affected bone tissue, with the goal of preserving as much healthy tissue as possible.

A tumour usually forms when there is an abnormal growth of tissue within or on the surface of the bone, resulting in a lump or mass. This abnormal growth can also occur in the bone marrow or the centre of the bone. This condition can develop in almost any part of the body and affects all groups. Though most instances of bone tumours are benign or noncancerous, the condition can still affect the strength and rigidity of the bone. These tumours can make an individual prone to fractures and other skeletal injuries.

Malignant cases of bone tumour are classified as either primary or secondary. The former originates from the bone itself while the latter is a result of cancer metastasis from other parts of the body.

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results

Patients diagnosed with the following conditions can undergo the procedure:

  • Benign bone tumours – An example is giant cell tumour, a rare but aggressive condition that typically affects adults.
  • Aneurysmal bone cyst – This condition is also quite aggressive and affects growth plates.
  • Osteosarcoma or osteogenic sarcoma – Children and teenagers suffering from osteosarcoma or osteogenic sarcoma, which typically occurs in the shoulder, hip, or knee, can benefit from this procedure to stem cancer growth.
  • Chondrosarcoma – Adults and middle-aged people can develop this condition, in which malignant growth can be found in the hips, shoulders, or pelvic area. In such cases, resection surgery can be performed to help stop the spread of cancer.
  • Ewing sarcoma – This condition is considered a family of tumours that starts in bone cavities and can spread to soft tissues of the body. It is also a rapidly growing cancer affecting the pelvis, upper arms, ribs, backbone, and even the skull.

People with benign bone tumours usually consider resection as the last resort and if the tumour is causing extreme pain and discomfort. It is also considered as means to reduce the risk of fracturing the bone and causing disability. Resection is usually successful in removing any adverse symptoms caused by a bone condition. Patients have to undergo extensive rest period followed by intensive physical therapy to help them regain mobility of affected parts. In some cases, this procedure may also entail bone graft or other prosthetic implants.

The success of radical bone resection to treat malignant tumours depends on the stage of cancer being treated and whether or not it has spread to other parts of the body. In most cases, the patient is asked to undergo other treatment modalities, like radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Radical resection of bone tumour is considered a major surgical procedure, performed in a hospital setting under general anaesthesia.

The surgeon makes an incision and the location of the bone tumour is accessed. If the tumour is located in the arm or leg, the procedure is termed a limb-salvage surgery, in which the goal is to preserve as much limb function as possible. A wide excision is done to remove the tumour without damaging the nearby nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. The tumour is removed using a specialised bone saw or drill, depending on the extent of tissue to be removed. The surgeon may remove a margin of healthy cells surrounding the tumour to help prevent recurrence. The surgical area is irrigated with saline solution to remove bone debris. After the tumour is removed, the surgeon may place prostheses or implant to fill the gap or hole left by the procedure. A bone graft can also be placed.

The incision is then closed with sutures. The surgeon sends the excised tissue to a pathology lab for further evaluation.

Possible Risks and Complications

  • Infection, a risk that is present during and after the procedure
  • Excessive bleeding during surgery
  • Infection due to implanted prosthesis, which typically necessitates further medical attention
  • Skin necrosis or death
  • Increased risk of fracture despite surgery
  • Instability and weakness for an extended period of time if the resection is done close to a joint


  • Hornicek FJ. Bone sarcoma: Preoperative evaluation, histologic classifications and principles of surgical management. http://www.uptodate.com/home.

  • Ness KK, et al. A comparison of function after limb salvage with non-invasive expandable or modular prostheses in children. European Journal of Cancer.


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What is Radical Resection of Bone Tumours? ‍Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Radical resection of bone tumours is a surgical procedure used to remove malignant bone tumours from the body. The goal of the operation⁤ is to remove the ​entire tumour, ‌with a margin of healthy tissue, in order to maximize chances ‌of curing ⁤the cancer. It is⁣ an effective treatment choice for individuals⁤ with primary bone tumours, metastatic bone tumours, and ​bone tumours of uncertain origin.

Overview of Radical Resection of Bone Tumours

Radical resection of ‌bone tumours is a type of musculoskeletal surgery where the​ surgeon removes the tumour, along with a margin of healthy tissue, with⁣ the goal of removing the entire tumour and maximizing chances for ​cure. The operation involves removing all of the cancerous tissue,⁤ as well as a surrounding margin of healthy tissue. This margination is typically determined ⁣based on tumour size, location, and aggressiveness.

The procedure will‌ vary‍ depending on the location of the tumour and the patient’s ‍overall health and medical history. Generally, however, the surgery will involve making an incision over the tumour ⁢location and cutting through ​the skin,‍ muscles, tendons, and connective tissue to remove the bone tumour. Depending on the surgery, ‌the doctor may also need to reconstruct the joint or bone. Radical resections are typically performed under general anaesthetic.

Benefits of Radical Resection of Bone Tumours

Radical resection ⁢of bone tumours is​ a safe and effective treatment choice for bone tumours. It is an important approach to treating ‌bone tumours as ⁢it⁤ allows for the removal of the tumour and the⁣ surrounding healthy tissue. This maximizes the chances of curing the cancer and reducing the spread of the disease.

Additionally,‍ radical resection of bone tumours provides the ‌opportunity for the patient to return to ⁢their previous activities and mobility levels.⁢ It can provide relief from pain associated with the bone tumour ‌and can give the patient improved quality of life.

Expected Results of Radical Resection of Bone Tumours

The expected results of radical resection of bone tumours depend on the patient’s individual situation and general health. Generally, the patient can expect improved quality of life with relief from pain associated with the tumour. Many patients are able to return to their normal mobility and activity levels after the procedure.

In terms of​ long-term outcomes, it is important ‍to note that the success of radical resection for ⁣bone tumours can vary greatly, and depend on ⁢the type of tumour,⁢ how advanced it is, and​ how well the ⁤patient responds to the treatment. For instance, the outcome of this procedure ⁢is much better for benign tumours than for malignant tumours.


Complications associated with radical resection of bone tumours can occur, including infection, blood clots, injury to adjacent structures, nerve damage,‍ bone fractures, and‌ difficulty healing. It is important that the patient ‌consults with the healthcare team both before and after the procedure so⁤ that these risks can ⁣be discussed.


Radical resection of bone tumours is an ​effective treatment choice​ for individuals with primary bone tumours,‌ metastatic ⁣bone tumours, and bone tumours of uncertain origin. The goal of the operation is to remove the entire‍ tumour,⁤ with ‌a ​margin of healthy tissue, in order to maximize chances of curing the cancer. Benefits of the surgery include improved quality of life, relief from pain, and the opportunity to return to normal ‍activities⁤ and mobility ‍levels. The long-term outcomes of the procedure depend on the type and aggressiveness ⁤of the tumour, and the individual patient’s overall health. It is important​ to note that radical resection of bone tumours may be associated with risks, such as infection, ‍nerve damage, or bone fractures, so that the patient should consult with⁢ the healthcare team both before and after the procedure.

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