Résultats de recherche pour std/syphilis

Qu'est-ce que la syphilis ?

Infection à la syphilis
...syphilis, there are ⁢often ‌no symptoms. In tertiary syphilis, ‌symptoms can include neurological problems, blindness, and ‌heart disease. **Q: How is⁢ syphilis diagnosed?** **A:** Syphilis is diagnosed through **blood tests**...

Qu'est-ce que la gonorrhée?

Infection à la gonorrhée, السيلان, Infection à la gonorrhée
**What ⁤is ‍Gonorrhoea?** Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (**_****_****_****_**)** caused by the bacteria **_****_****_****_****. It‍ affects the urethra, cervix, throat, and/or the **_****_**** in both men and women. **Modes...