Qu'est-ce que la vulvovaginite à Candida ?

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**Title: What is Candida Vulvovaginitis? A Comprehensive Guide**

**Question: What‍ is Candida vulvovaginitis?**

**Answer:** Candida vulvovaginitis, also known as a yeast​ infection, is a common fungal infection that affects ⁢the vagina and vulva. ⁤It is caused by an overgrowth of‌ Candida albicans, a type of yeast that is normally present in ⁢small amounts ⁢in ⁣the ⁤vagina.

**Question: What are the symptoms of candida ⁣vulvovaginitis?**

**Answer:** Symptoms of candida vulvovaginitis can include:

* Vaginal itching, burning, and irritation

* Vulvar redness, swelling, and pain

* Vaginal discharge ‍that ⁣is ‍white, thick, and clumpy⁢ (often described as resembling cottage cheese)

* ⁣Pain during intercourse

* Painful or frequent urination

**Question: What causes candida vulvovaginitis?**

**Answer:**⁣ Candida vulvovaginitis is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida⁣ albicans yeast. This can occur due to:

* Antibiotics, which can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the vagina

* Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy⁣ or menopause

* Weakened immune system

* Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes

* Tight-fitting clothing or ⁤underwear

* ‍Poor hygiene

**Question: How is candida​ vulvovaginitis diagnosed?**

**Answer:** Candida vulvovaginitis is typically diagnosed based on a‌ physical exam and a ⁢patient’s medical history. In some cases, ⁢your doctor may perform a vaginal swab to‍ confirm the ‍presence of Candida.

**Question: What are the treatment options​ for candida vulvovaginitis?**

**Answer:** ⁢Treatment options for candida vulvovaginitis include:

* Over-the-counter antifungal ‍creams‌ or‌ suppositories

* Prescription antifungal medications

* Boric acid suppositories

* Lifestyle ‌changes, such as⁢ avoiding ⁣tight-fitting clothing and practicing good hygiene

**Question: How can I prevent candida vulvovaginitis?**

**Answer:** While not‍ always preventable, there are certain measures you can take​ to reduce the risk of developing candida vulvovaginitis:

* Wear loose-fitting, cotton underwear

* Change underwear and pads or tampons frequently

* Avoid douching or using ⁣scented products in the vaginal area

* Treat antibiotic use with probiotics to​ restore vaginal ​flora‍ balance

* ‍Manage chronic health ‌conditions⁤ such​ as diabetes

**Additional Information:**

* Candida vulvovaginitis is a common infection that affects many women.

* It is important to seek treatment if you suspect you have a yeast infection.

* ⁣Early diagnosis and treatment can⁢ help prevent complications.

* If you experience recurrent yeast infections, talk to your doctor about the underlying cause.

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