Qu'est-ce que le cancer de l'endomètre ?

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**What is Endometrial Cancer?**


Endometrial cancer, also known as uterine cancer, is a type of cancer that develops ‌in the lining of⁣ the uterus, called the endometrium. It is the most common gynecologic cancer in⁤ the United States.

**Risk‌ Factors:**

* Age: Most commonly occurs​ in women⁤ over 50

* Obesity

* Diabetes

* Estrogen-only Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

* Certain inherited genetic conditions,​ such as Lynch syndrome

* Pelvic radiation therapy


* Abnormal vaginal ⁤bleeding or⁣ spotting, especially after menopause

* Heavy or‍ prolonged menstrual bleeding

*‌ Pelvic pain or pressure

* Postcoital ⁤bleeding

* Watery or bloody discharge from​ the vagina

* Unexplained weight loss


Endometrial cancer‌ is typically ⁤diagnosed through a biopsy, which involves removing a small sample of tissue for examination under a ‍microscope. This procedure can be performed during a ⁣pelvic exam, ‍hysteroscopy (a thin⁤ lighted tube inserted⁤ into the uterus), or dilation and curettage (D&C).


The treatment ‌options for endometrial ‍cancer depend on the⁤ stage and grade of the‌ cancer, as well as the patient’s overall health. Common treatment⁤ modalities include:

*‌ **Surgery**: Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus),​ with or without removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

* **Radiation​ therapy**: External beam radiation or brachytherapy⁤ (internal radiation)

*‌ **Chemotherapy**:⁣ Use of drugs⁢ to kill cancer cells

* ​**Hormone therapy**: Use of medications to‍ block or reduce hormone levels


While there is no sure way to prevent endometrial‍ cancer, ‍certain lifestyle modifications and medical interventions can reduce the risk:

* Maintain⁤ a healthy weight

* Manage diabetes

* Avoid excessive estrogen-only HRT

* Discuss genetic ⁣screening options with a healthcare provider


The prognosis for endometrial cancer⁤ depends on the stage and ‌grade of ‍the⁣ cancer at the time of diagnosis. Early-stage endometrial cancers typically have a high⁢ cure rate, while advanced-stage cancers require more aggressive‌ treatment⁤ and have a lower prognosis.

**Additional Information:**

* Endometrial ‍cancer is a treatable disease, especially when detected and treated early.

* Regular pelvic exams and Pap⁢ smears ⁢can help detect endometrial cancer in its early ‌stages.

* Symptoms⁣ of endometrial cancer should ⁣be discussed with a healthcare provider promptly.

*⁤ Support groups and resources are available for patients and their families.

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