Qu'est-ce que le virus Epstein-Barr ?

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**Q&A: ⁣What ‍is Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)?**

**What ⁤is ‍Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)?**

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), also⁤ known as human herpesvirus 4, is a ⁣common virus from the‍ herpes family that infects over 90% of ⁤the ⁣world’s population. It is highly contagious and​ is most often transmitted through saliva.

**What⁢ are the ‍symptoms of‌ EBV ‌infection?**

Initial infection with⁣ EBV is usually asymptomatic. ⁢However, in some cases, it can cause a mononucleosis-like illness, also known as glandular fever, with symptoms including:

*⁣ Fatigue

* ⁢Fever

* Swollen lymph nodes

* Sore ⁢throat

* ⁢Headache

* Muscle aches

**How is⁤ EBV infection diagnosed?**

EBV infection can be diagnosed through blood ⁣tests that detect antibodies against the virus.

**Who is at risk of EBV infection?**

Everyone is at risk of EBV infection, but it is⁤ more common in young adults and‍ children.

**How is EBV transmitted?**

EBV is primarily transmitted through saliva, contact ‍with an⁢ infected person’s bodily fluids, or by sharing personal items such as toothbrushes or drinks.

**Is it possible to have a chronic EBV ⁤infection?**

Yes, in some⁢ cases, EBV can establish a lifelong latent infection. While ⁢the virus remains dormant in the body, it can reactivate under‌ certain circumstances,‍ such⁢ as stress⁣ or weakened immune ⁢systems.

**What are the complications of EBV infection?**

EBV infection is generally not serious, but some complications can arise, including:

* Infectious mononucleosis

* Lymphoma

* Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

**How is EBV treated?**

There is no specific cure for EBV⁣ infection. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms ⁣and addressing complications if they occur.

**Can EBV infection be‍ prevented?**

Currently, there is no vaccine‍ available‍ to prevent EBV⁤ infection. Good hygiene practices, ⁤such as avoiding⁣ sharing drinks or‍ toothbrushes with an infected person, can help reduce the⁤ risk ⁣of ‍transmission.

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