Qu'est-ce que l'aspiration de corps étranger ?

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**What is Foreign⁤ Body Aspiration?**

**Q: What is foreign body ‍aspiration (FBA)?**

**A:** ‍FBA occurs when an object or substance ⁤from⁤ outside the body (e.g., food, toys,​ jewelry) enters the airway, causing partial or complete airway⁤ obstruction.

**Q: What are the symptoms of FBA?**

**A:** Symptoms vary ⁣depending on the object ⁤size and extent of ⁤obstruction, but may include:

* Sudden coughing, choking, ‌or gagging

* Difficulty breathing or wheezing

* ‌Cyanosis (bluish skin around the mouth‍ and lips)

*⁣ Loss of consciousness

**Q: Who is ​at‍ risk for ⁢FBA?**

**A:**‌ Infants, toddlers, and young children are most ‍commonly affected due to their small airways and tendency to ‌put objects in their⁣ mouths. Individuals with developmental disabilities or‍ neurological conditions may also be at ‍increased‌ risk.

**Q: ​What objects are commonly aspirated?**

**A:**‌ Small, smooth objects⁤ such ‍as coins, beads, peanuts, hot ‍dogs, ⁢and pieces of toys are frequently aspirated.

**Q: What are the complications of FBA?**

**A:** Immediate complications include suffocation and organ damage due​ to reduced oxygen supply. Long-term complications‍ may include:

* ⁤Pneumonia

* Lung abscess

* Granuloma ​formation

* Respiratory ⁤failure

**Q:‍ How is FBA diagnosed?**

**A:** ⁢Diagnosis is based on symptoms, ‍medical history, and physical examination. Chest X-rays‍ or CT scans may be ⁤ordered ⁢to ​confirm the presence and location of the foreign body.

**Q:⁤ How is FBA⁤ treated?**

**A:** Treatment depends on the‍ severity of obstruction.

* **Mild ​obstruction:** Observation​ and cough suppression

*⁢ **Moderate obstruction:** Bronchoscopy ​to remove the foreign body

* **Severe obstruction:** Emergency cricothyroidotomy or tracheostomy may ‌be necessary

**Q: How⁣ can FBA be prevented?**

**A:** Prevention strategies include:

* Supervising children closely during feeding and⁤ play

* Keeping​ small objects ‍out of reach

* Using​ age-appropriate toys

* Teaching children about the dangers of‍ placing objects​ in ‌their mouths

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