Quels sont les signes du zona : l'herpès zoster ?

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**What are the Signs of Shingles (Herpes Zoster)?**


Shingles, also known as​ Herpes Zoster, is a painful skin⁣ rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is the‍ same virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in the⁣ body and can reactivate years later, leading to shingles.

**Signs and Symptoms:**

**1. Pain and Tingling:**

* ‌The rash is often preceded by intense pain, burning, or tingling in a specific area of the body.

* The pain can be sharp, stabbing, or burning like a bad sunburn.

* It is commonly referred ⁣to as “the shingles.”

**2. Blistering Rash:**

* Within a few days of the onset of pain, a⁢ blistering rash develops along the affected area.

* ⁤The rash consists of⁣ small, fluid-filled blisters that may ‌be ​clear or ⁤cloudy.

* The rash ⁤typically occurs on one side of the body, often in a band-like pattern.

**3. Location:**

* The shingles rash can appear anywhere on the body, but it most commonly occurs on the:

‌ * Chest and ⁤back

* Face and neck

* Buttocks⁢ and abdomen

**4.⁤ Duration:**

* Blisters typically form for 7-10 days, becoming crusty ​and scabbing afterward.

* The scabs fall off within 2-4 weeks.

* Pain⁣ can last for weeks or even months after‍ the rash clears.

**5. Accompanying Symptoms:**

* Fever

* Chills

* Fatigue

* Headache

* ​Sensitivity to light

* Difficulty sleeping

**6. Eye ⁤Involvement:**

* If the shingles rash affects the area around the nose or eye, it can result in⁤ corneal damage and permanent vision loss.

**7. Persistent Pain (Postherpetic Neuralgia):**

* In some cases, the pain associated with shingles can​ persist even after ⁣the rash‌ has⁤ cleared.

* This condition is called postherpetic neuralgia ​and can last for months or years.

**8. Immunocompromised Individuals:**

* People⁤ with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more likely to experience more severe shingles symptoms, including:

⁣ * Disseminated shingles (widespread rash)

* Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)


Shingles is a‌ painful and ‍potentially serious condition. If you suspect you may have shingles, it is important to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment can help reduce the ​severity and duration of symptoms, preventing complications such as postherpetic neuralgia and eye damage.

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